Friday, January 3, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

Last one out is a dirty dog!


  1. I am SOOOOO glad it's Friday.

  2. I'm in, I'm no dirty dog... well, I could use a shower. Happy Friday, all. The end of the official holiday break. They are saying brutal cold on Monday and Tuesday. Do you think they'll close the schools? hehehe

  3. -7 below on the way to work, but I prewarmed my car and that morning coffee tastes heavenly.

    My good friend at work made a GB Packer scrubs and gave them to me I took off my other ones and put on the Packer ones.... The only thing is I had a longsleeve pink undershirt on.
    I did not really match the green and gold. I am just telling everyone that is for
    support of Aaron Rodgers. : )

    So many men think photos of lesbians are sexy ( if they look attractive) Gay men do not bother me in the least.
    But I think Aaron is not that at all, and that is a form of dirty play and distracting his mind so he does not take the win.
    Anyway...who cares? Just win it.

  4. Happy Friday! It's really cold, yet, if you're bundled well, it's not bad. All vanity goes out the window when it gets cold, I couldn't care less how I look, as long as I'm warm, and I achieved near toasty by an open window the 1st 2 hours! Shoot, I think even those silly boys with their pants off their butts even pulled them up! :)

  5. I have been so busy the last two days, I haven't even gotten to blog about my New Year's exploits. I went out to a local observatory and tried to capture the very thin crescent Moon. It would have been the youngest new Moon every sited if we saw it visually...we didn't and I didn't even know that part at the time.

    However, we did see it with binoculars and got pics. Today, one of the big space news websites, Universe today, published a story about our sighting with our pics of course!

    Oh, Sunny, low 70's here today.

  6. Hey, top ten, not to shabby.

    I just got the quarterly sewage bill from Caledonia... Now they have added $15.99 a quarter to it...for...get protection...WTF?

    I think I am losing my mind, I know I am losing my wallet.

    I hope you all have a P & P weekend. Let's go in packers.

  7. You don't want your sewage to get an STD, do you, jed? Better pay for the protection.

    Congratulations, hale-bopp! Have I ever told you how proud I am that you're a member of the JTIs? When talking about the site to others, I don't use names, but I do point out that an astrophysicist is a member. That makes us sound more like Mensa.

    I'm proud of all the JTIs and the site.

    I signed up for Netflix streaming service yesterday. The first month is free, then $7 @ month. Big mistake. All I'm going to do now is watch movies and TV shows.

  8. Feels like a Tuesday to me... Gotta go to work tomorrow.

    Did some birding after work today. Stopped at the harbor to see what's there. A small spot of open water revealed two Mute Swans, three Canada Geese and a few Goldeneyes.

    Saw a Snowy Owl on the break wall at Carrie-Hagel Park.

  9. I received a robo call from the Superintendent to all families of RUSD. I cant believe they called it so soon. Usually, I'm up, showered, dressed, makeup, lunch packed while watching the scroll bar on the news. Tough to go back to bed after that.

    Tuesday is supposed to be almost as cold. Will they call that, too? Monday will make 17 days of holiday break. This is the longest time we've ever had. BTW, don't get excited... it is not a paid vacation, and the closure days get added on to the end of the school year.
