Friday, January 17, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

That sounds yummy.


  1. I want to revisit the fish fries of my youth.

    Happy Friday everyone.

  2. Happy Friday!
    I'm allergic to fish but not shrimp, luckily. Hmmm, maybe that's what should be for supper, sounds good to me!

  3. Remember when all the taverns had fish fries on Friday nights? Do they even do that anymore?

    IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!

  4. You know if you're Catholic, you can bless a pizza and eat it on Friday.

    Didn't they get rid of that "no meat" on Friday thing now?

    Mary, yes there are still a few around town that still have them.

  5. Those tavern fish fries are what I was talking about. Sunshine Bar and Grill on Taylor was fantastic for fish fries.

  6. All fish has to be "self sustaining" Many people like Tilapia, but I don't like the STRONG tasting strip In the middle, and have to cut It out. Sometimes Cod Is good, but can also be strong tasting. I'm not nuts about fish since the Perch from Lake Michigan vanished.

  7. I miss fish fries. Lake perch only! Living in the land of 10,000 lakes you would think it would be easier to find lake perch!
    But nooooo... Have to go to WI for a good perch dinner!
