Monday, January 13, 2014

Open Blog - Monday

Have a good day.


  1. good morning world! I've caught the spring cleaning bug early this year (or maybe it's the steroids?) hoping for a productive week of purging and downsizing as well as deep cleaning before the buzz ends!

  2. If anyone has to go out be careful because there are some icy patches out there. I just came home from taking Drew to work and our parking lot has icy patches. I hope everyone has a great day!

  3. After spending the entire 70 degree weekend in the house being sickly I am now feeling better. Naturally, in time to go to work. Oh well.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  4. I almost rear ended a truck this morning. Black ice. It is warmer, but there are icy patches out there. Thank goodness for ABS or my day would have been much different.

  5. Mary, sorry you were sick. I hate sickness and would rather be wounded than ill.

    I drive vary carefully these days. The other night the street in front of our building was sheer ice. As I approached the turn into the parking lot, I braked. The ABS kicked in but I still slid three or four car lengths and missed the driveway.

  6. Another day of being at war with the
    world....even my dog won't listen and growled at me.

    I think I need Prozak troughs all around my property ....all heights
    of course.

  7. Orbs the way I try to look at it is if you never get sick, you'll never appreciate how good you usually feel.
