Monday, January 27, 2014

Open Blog - Monday

Happy Monday! Be super careful out there.


  1. enough with the cold, geesh... sadly, I think I'm getting used to it, but it's not helping with motivating me to do much. Can we bribe Ma Nature into some warmer temps?

  2. The weather witch is at it again
    colder that a..........

  3. I just came home from taking Drew to work and it is windy and very cold. So if you do not have to go out don't just stay in and warm. The roads are alright you only have the tire tracks to drive in otherwise it is snow covered.

  4. I went to my daughter's for the football game last night, that 10 minute ride home was a killer.

    Had to scrap the ice off the windshield and the roads were nasty, nasty slippery.

    Dang snow is only good for two things...1 if for Santa's Sleigh and the other for deer hunting.

  5. Although it is cold here today we had another great weekend in the 60's. So I can't really complain.

    Have a great day and stay warm Irregulars.

  6. You know it's been a rough winter when you contemplate not shaving your legs because you need the added warmth.

  7. That's funny KK. Speaking of funny, I can do with my hair looking bad and my mascara deciding to clump on my lower lid, but having a major stain on my sweater was taking it too far. It's a good thing I took a look at myself before I left the house.
    Otherwise I would look like a messy haired, black eyed, zit faced old woman who looked like she drooled her coffee all the way down her sweater.

  8. That's my kind of gal.

    Bed bug update: they're spraying in my apartment again on Wednesday. I talked with the building manager and he wants the additional, free spray.

    He said they charge $650 for the heat treatment, and $125 for each spray, so it's typically $900 for the full treatment. I don't know why, but I thought it was more expensive. The big news: if they have to treat again, I pay for it. The company only guarantees their work for 30 days.

    Also, when my apartment was heat treated, the technician talked to the manager for awhile. The tech said there were few bedbugs in my apartment and the ones that were coming out were half dead.

  9. Getting whacked again up there. Still above average down here...70s most days (normally in the 60s this time of year, still not much to complain about).

  10. Laid out in my bikini today for about an hour. It was in the seventies and had a very minor chill in the wind..
    Sorry sorry sorry.

    Kk your legs are still supposed to be shaved so I would consider it a fashion faux pas! Hahaha back at ya,

    Mary. I am laughing so hard cause stuff happens to me just like that!. My so called "friends" never tell me if I
    Have a clump or whatever of mascara or eyeliner somewhere on my eye making it look like I just woke up from some binge or something....BUTT .... If we were POODLES and you or any of my other friends
    had lint on your butt from scooting across the carpeting, I would say it!!! That is the kind of friend I am!

  11. Where is Drew and where is Four for Fridays? I was depressed all weekend over that!

  12. BLB, Four for Fridays will return this Friday. Let's hope I can remember to set the alarm clock this time....

  13. BLB, you were a Florida fan in a Four for Fridays funk.

  14. You could have not stated that any better Orbs.
    On the reverse side I am a Four for Fridays fan in a Florida funk. Or. ... Hmmm .... I am a funky fan of
    Four for Fridays and Florida .

  15. What a wonderful thing to say BLB. The funny thing about the sweater is I just got it back from the dry cleaners. It had faux leather on the shoulders and they wanted to know if it was already a little "cracked" in places. I said yes. Little did I know they forgot to tell me about the stain they put on it. Needless to say I was pushing it to wear the sweater anyway as I knew it was starting to look bad. But it's so damn cute!

    I wonder what else I may be missing. Time to do the "butt angle" check in the a.m. I guess.
    A woman's work is never done. Sigh.
