Thursday, January 23, 2014

Open Blog - Thursday

Have a good one.


  1. I always like the word terrific! Have a great day everyone and bundle up!

  2. That's it !!!! I am officially sick of this below zero crap!

    I got my utility bill yesterday. $285.00! That's DOUBLE what it usually is this time of year. And it will probably be the same next month. I keep the heat at 68 in the daytime and 64 at night. If this keeps up I may have to start soliciting donations.

  3. Good grief DodgeBoy, that sounds like our electric bill when the temps are over 95. Thank goodness for the budget plan.

    I think we are at 17 and I am off to the grocery store as I work this afternoon instead of morning.

    Have a terrific day everyone.

  4. Well, I guess the 5th is there for the taking, which I will gladly claim.

    Anybody is welcome to join in, well almost anyone, that is up to my discretion. I can always take my 5th and go home.

    I like terrific, but I prefer that you all go out and be P&P.

  5. LM- Sounds like you are having a great day today. That is always good to hear.

    DodgeBoy- Don't feel bad our heat keeps going about five minutes after it goes off. I have it set at 68 degrees all the time. If I turn it any lower Drew has a fit because he will freeze. See if you can get on to a budget billing plan we are on that.

    Mary- it is only going to be 5 degrees here today. Then going below 0 for the night.

  6. We finally made it up to 20, but the wind chill is 4. I about froze my ears off putting groceries in my car. I have my hat now.

  7. DodgeBoy, my first electric bill in the new apartment is 87.5% higher than the old place. The heat is included in the rent, so why is my electric bill almost doubled?

    Tom Terrific was a weird cartoon.


  8. That old cartoon (actually the song) was the first thing I thought of too. I don't even remember the cartoon. Was he a mouse?

  9. Every room in my house is disturbed by the continual remodeling and broken pipes from the last artic blast.

    I'm just CRABBY and have to go deal with mother's problems again out of town and leaving Legal here
    to deal with all this ....My mom is not doing well physically or mentally.

    Tomorrow they are digging and
    going to open a side of the house to get to some broken pipes. There is no other way in to the pipes.
    Have one bathroom down with no water.

    Hope the rest of you are surviving
    better than I am. I know every person has problems.

  10. I'm sorry you have so much crap to deal with, BLB. An AA pal of mine says, "Everyone has their own fish to fry."

    What's going on with Becker? What was his parole violation? Why doesn't our "newspaper" report on these things?

  11. BLB, tend to your mother. You will never regret the love and patience you show her now. I know first hand how insane, frustrating, draining and emotionally charged things can be. You are strong and will find your way through and in the process set an example for your children.

    I'm sure Legal will hold down the fort nicely. Our thoughts are with you. <3

  12. The Pope has declared that the internet is a "gift from God." Right on!

  13. well thank you KK and Orbs....
    Legal said I am whining too much today. Yeah I guess I am. Just can't seem to break out of everything BREAKING. New furnace a few months ago, pipes frozen,and many other things going wrong.

    But I will keep treading water, but it is exhausting....

  14. BLB, sucks you are going through all this! Don't have frozen pipes, but I think my basement sewer is frozen.
    Take care of your Mom, if the house is covered in ice when you get back, it's Legal's fault!

  15. BLB... does he ask if you want some cheese with that?
