Thursday, January 9, 2014

Open Blog - Thursday

Have a good day.


  1. 2nd sleepless night... grr.. and brr...
    Not sure what it is, just can't sleep, well, until the alarm goes off, THEN I'm sleeping really nicely.

  2. I woke up at 12:56 as my clock radio was flashing me. So naturally I had to get up and reset them.
    Is it me or is this a long week?

  3. Going through a rough patch over here.. The seasonal depression is kicking in full effect lately and just recently a good friend of our family passed away.. she was much too young.. She had been sick with pneumonia since before New Years and they thought she was going to pass on NYD but she made it through the worst part.. was getting better and everyone was feeling good about it but then took a dramatic change for the worse and passed away 3 days ago.. She left behind a daughter that was only 16 years old.. My heart is breaking.. Not only the tragedy of her passing but it's picking at some old sores left from my husbands grandfather passing this summer.. much the same thought he was getting better, pretty sure he was going to make it and then dramatic change and then he was gone..

    I am currently taking donations for the save Why Not?'s mental stability by sending her and her family to a sunny location so at least I can get away from it all for a little while.. I have the request that it is a sunny warm beachy location of course all inclusive but will accept a resort there you have to pay for the drinks..

    Sorry to drag out my problems here, just sometimes you need to get them out of you..

    You all over there stay warm, we are actually going to get below freezing this weekend and are saying something about snow possibly..

  4. Why Not, you know we're here for you no matter if you're having a fantastic time or a horrible time. Just share and blow off steam, whatever you need, it's quite therapeutic and will keep you sane. Winter just sucks, we concur :)

  5. WHY NOT....sending you 20000 thousand shenaniganzas if you can send me your bank info and social security number and birthdate.
    I just helped someone from Nigeria
    also..... oh wait....where did my
    money go in (out of) my account.

  6. Yeah I've been waiting for my money to come back from Nigeria too!! wonder where it could be.. it's gotta come in any day now..

    Thanks for the opportunity to bitch.. appreciate it..

  7. At least it's warmer today, or this evening. At least it's above zero

  8. Why Not, feel free to share at anytime. I have trouble this time of year, too, but not as intensely as you. It's therapeutic to write (type) or talk these things out.

    "A problem shared is a problem halved."

    I remember you writing about a light box one year. Does it help? Do you still use it?

    Lizardmom, insomnia sucks.

    SER, it was so warm today that my windshield washers unfroze.

  9. Oh, and Why Not, I'm sorry for your loss. It's a terrible thing for the daughter.

  10. I dont actually use that light box anymore because I bought it in the states and the little electrical converter I had for it burnt up.. someone used it for something it wasnt meant to and well I keep forgetting to get a new one.. I dont know if it helped that much anyways.. I did go to light therapy and that was very pleasant.. My bosses have been talking about building a light therapy room.. I would love if they would do that.. It's not difficult, just paint a room white, some white furniture and special lamps.. If we had the room I would change one of our rooms into one just for my sanity,..

  11. I dont actually use that light box anymore because I bought it in the states and the little electrical converter I had for it burnt up.. someone used it for something it wasnt meant to and well I keep forgetting to get a new one.. I dont know if it helped that much anyways.. I did go to light therapy and that was very pleasant.. My bosses have been talking about building a light therapy room.. I would love if they would do that.. It's not difficult, just paint a room white, some white furniture and special lamps.. If we had the room I would change one of our rooms into one just for my sanity,..
