Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Open Blog - Tuesday

Hale-bopp will be our guide.


  1. Let your conscience be your guide...

    I just watched that movie over the holidays...it would never get made today and be deemed inappropriate for small children. Since it has been declared a Disney classic, however, it is fortunately grandfathered in as a children's movie.

  2. I'd like to go where it is warm. Any warm places in space Hale?

  3. suppose to have my truck worked on today....NOT, I called and cancelled the appointment. Best part their answering machine answered and said their business hour are from 7 am to 6 pm...uhmmm, I called at 9:15, wonder if they also closed from the day

  4. They are probably swamped with emergency repairs and are letting the answering machine take the calls, SER.

    I went out and started up my taxi, let it run while I shoveled the crusty snow that blew my front walkway closed.

    I took it out for a little to finish warming it up and saw that a water main broke in the next block over. They dug a hole in the concrete and it looked like the workers were in their trucks warming back up. The road was plowed to remove the icy slush but looked hazardous to try to drive on.

    Lucky me, my abode must be on a different main line. Gotta feel for anyone who has to be working outside. I had mittens on and a heavy coat, hat and scarf and in that short time, my fingertips were already starting to hurt.

  5. I start3d my truck today and ran some errands. I'm surprised it started after siting all day yesterday. I didn't make my doctor's appointment this morning, though. It was 13 below zero when I called her answering service. I didn't want to drive an 18 year old truck with bald tires to Kenosha in that.

  6. Speaking of vehicles, I saw a guy driving an old Corvair (Chevy's rear engine car of the 60's). I wonder what kind of heat those things have?

  7. KK, I never gave that a thought about emergencies.

    They did return my call from the message I left, at 2:30, so tomorrow I take it in.

    Orbs, there is a guy who lives around the corner from me how buy, fixes up and sells Corvairs. He always has two or three in his driveway.

    As for heat, Corvairs have a little tunnel in the middle of the vehicle where the heater hoses run from the engine (in the rear)also all the gage wires and transmission shifting rods.

  8. gezzzzz....how buy, I must be Indian.
