Saturday, January 11, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend

Relax and take it easy.


  1. ah, sleep, it's a wonderful thing!

  2. Be careful out there. My patient is home and recovering nicely!

  3. glad to hear he is home Beejay.. take good care of him.

  4. Pamper and spoil appropriately, Ms. Beejay!

  5. I have a cane if he needs one I can mail it down

  6. Glad to hear that the patient is home and doing good. Just hope he will listen to you and the Doctor for a complete recovery and not trying to do something he knows he should not. Love to both of you!

  7. Of course Is missed something with BiggieD? Why does he need a cane?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This is crazy...third time, I'm typing this.

    Biggie is doing great. Today, he's walking around carrying the walker...not exactly what it was designed for, ahem.

    SER, thanks for the offer, but, unfortunately, everything has to be super sized for him. In fact, the hip prosthetic used is what they use for professional athletes. It was a total replacement.

    I think by next week, he will toss that walker in favor of a walking staff.

    Toad, Biggie fell on my basketball court. Slipped on a slick spot.

    Thanks for the kind words. He is being a darn good patient.

  10. Oh my, a hip replacement. Yikes. ONE of the disadvantages of being really tall. One tends to fall harder, because It's a higher fall. I feel for him, because I've had hip pain from Arthritis, and It's frankly unbearable. Its a good thing he didn't hurt his thumb, he would be out for weeks. If only Clay Matthews was as tough as Biggie, maybe they could have won? He Is fortunate to have Vince Lombardi's Godchild to take care of him. He will be playing again soon.

  11. Oh my! what I miss when I don't pay attention to our irregulars.
    Best wishes to Biggie for a fast and complete recovery. And one more thing about Biggie, his fall may have been do to his fondness of bananas and the improper discarding of the peel or was that Beejay that liked bsnanas.
    For the irregulars that take me seriously, the banana story is full of beans.

    Cygnus has had his ID stolen by some do gooders delivering goodies to the space station. Best of luck to the spacepeople.
    Stay healthy irregulars and don't let the bed bugs BITE.

  12. Der ere nein slich spoots in das
    Florida. I vas der a time vhen et vas zooooo hot mein arsch gemelted.

    wit das name "BJ"..... ja she haben
    bananas .....smecht gut!!!

  13. OMG BeeJay!!!! What happened to Biggie D???? I have an extra walker and you need it? LOLOLOLOL

    Hope he is feeling good!

  14. Get well soon, Biggie D.

    Beejay, did he have to go through physical therapy after the replacement? I know a guy who didn't, and it took forever to heal and then the foot on that leg was turned in. He had to go through therapy later to get things straightened out.

  15. Biggie was told he did not need pt. I'm watching him very closely. So far, he is walking with his normal step pattern; not throwing his hip around. Had some pt in the hospital.

    Have the equipment we need folks. It all has to be super duper sized.

    Bananas? Golly, gee, no! Lol.
