Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my vivacious Valentines!  How are you?  Have the winter blues got you down?  Then try some of Madame Zoltar’s® new wonder drug: NTPS™ (Nerve Tonic and Paint Stripper).  With Madame Zoltar’s® NTPS™, you can exhale the years of paint off of any object, even your house or car. 

[Please don’t smoke while using our product and stay away from all possible sources of ignition.  Ingestion of NTPS™ in significant quantities may lead to explosive flatulence which will literally rip a new asshole.  Urination may be caustic to urinals, toilets, and other fixtures.]

Or, you could just get rip-roaring drunk.  In either case, the ennui returns the next day, and you have to deal with a hangover, and possibly the police.

Mr. OrbsCorbs and I have discussed this and previous winters.  We’re both inclined to agree that this winter is like the winters we remember from our youths.  What I think has been the anomaly is the twenty years of relatively mild winters that we’ve had prior to this one.

Hurray, hurray!  The salt ship has arrived in Milwaukee.  We can hardly wait to get back to rotting car and truck bodies while poisoning the soil. Oh shame on me.  I’m just as guilty as anyone of wanting salted streets and roads.  Safety first.  If you’re going to plant a tree or shrubs near a street that gets salted, be sure to plant a salt-resistant variety.  If you’re spreading salt on your sidewalks and driveways, use it sparingly, please.  It attacks your cement and slowly destroys it.

My comments to clients on the Olympics: “How about those Olympics!  Aren’t they exciting?  So many upsets.  What about the big thing last night?  Wow.”

In fact, I don’t watch them.  I have nothing against the Olympics or sports.  They just don’t interest me, but I pretend to be interested for business purposes.  Hurray for your nationality!

Finally, I want to thank Ms. kk for her marvelous suggestion of Madame Zoltar’s® Prediction Cookies™.  Each batch will include a large quantity of my nerve tonic.  All of the predictions will read: “You’ll soon feel better.”  The more you eat them, the better you feel, until blindness or psychosis occurs.  Tee-hee, my dears.  You know I’d never hurt the Irregulars or anyone else.

Thank you for reading my blog today.  I always feel better on the days my blog appears.  I think it’s because of the love that I am showing and that is being shown to me.  Thank you.

All you need is love.  And

Stay warm in the cold or cool in the heat wherever the Irregulars are.  I can tell that the days are getting longer because now it’s no longer dark at 5 PM.  Drive carefully, my friends.  Kalokagathia!


  1. Oh dear, Madame... SAD (seasonal affected disorder) must be kicking in, your new products seem to be getting a bit more edgy! ;>

    I have been enjoying the Olympics (in between harvesting and playing Old MacDonald on my farm game.) My farm is now an empire, laughing.

    I used to feel the excitement and pride for the American Olympians, but really, now I am happy for any athlete who succeeds at besting their performance. I can not imagine the work and sacrifice that goes into the training.

    I agree with you and Mr. Orbs, it probably is the gradual cyclic warming of the past years that makes this weather seem so unusual. That, and the weather "heads" have some death warning out every day.

    Let's get together and discuss our new business venture. Is it too cold for icy margaritas? Love to you!

  2. Thank you Mme. Z for another amazing and informative blog. I couldn't have said it better myself. When you go national, the Journal Times can think about the opportunity they threw away by snubbing your offer last week.

    Unfortunately, the road salt does wreak havoc on the environment, but we have few alternatives that are affordable.

  3. I like to watch the bobsled and the luge races and some of the downhill skiing.

    with the amount of snow and ice we have and the frost line being so deep, if we get a bunch of rain and it warms up to fast we could end up with some serious flooding.
