Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my thawed, but not flawed, friends!  How are you?  How’s the heat wave treating you?  Have you broken out the sun-block yet?  Ha-ha!  The joke’s on us.  Another winter storm tomorrow.  Ha-ha!  Old Man Winter and all of the Weather Witches must have conspired to make this winter a nasty one. 

Well, I refuse to lose hope.  Today I could still see clearly outside at 6 pm.  Not too long ago, it was dark at 5.  We’re getting there; we just have to take it one day at a time.  One storm at a time.  One act of kindness toward someone encumbered by the weather at a time.  I know that February and March can kick very hard.  I don’t look forward to any of that.  However, winter is one the wane.  Protest all you want, Old Man Winter, but even you can’t stop the march of time.  (Psst, by the way, I think you did a marvelous job on winter this year.  It reminds of the “real” winters we had when I was a child.)

Fifth graders in our area have an opportunity to submit posters for the 2014 National Missing Children’s Day Poster Contest.  See the story on Racine Uncovered here:  Best of luck to all of the entrants!

Also, “The Racine Unified School District is partnering with SC Johnson to present a workshop for parents called the ‘Dark Side of Digital Technology: internet, cell phones and social media’ from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 19 [tonight] at SC Johnson Golden Rondelle Theater, 1525 Howe St.”  See the story on Racine County Eye here: Unfortunately, such things are necessary in today’s world.

Mr. OrbsCorbs’ blog on the death of Sid Caesar ( saddened me because I, too, was a fan of early television.  Here’s a short clip from those days of yore, featuring the introduction to the Texaco Star Theater.

That, of course, was Milton “Uncle Miltie” Berle, a man who was always too wiling to appear in drag for a laugh.

Thank you for walking down TV’s memory lane with me.  I love all of the JTI readers and my fans in TV land.  Your attention encourages me.  Your friendship inspires me.  Your love overpowers me.  Thank you, JTI’s.

Is the rumor about “Uncle Miltie’s” member true?  Ask

A storm for tomorrow and then we get the deep freeze again for the weekend.  Sound familiar?  You know the drill, dears.  Have a great week.  Anonymuncule!

1 comment:

  1. A week or two ago (while I was lying in bed) I was channel surfing and what did I find? Mr. Ed. I love the old shows.

    Speaking of spring, our tree in the front is starting to bloom. One more week of February and it's gone!
