Monday, February 17, 2014

"It’s Time To Review The City of Racine’s Control Over The Water Utilitity"

From Racine Exposed:

"So, it’s not that the City of Racine has not worked to reduce costs. It’s that the City of Racine has a vested interest to increase Water Utility rates and fees as much as possible in order to fund the Cities growing financial deficit and avoid the pain of having to control their costs. By issuing Water Utility Revenue Bonds or manipulating property values, Water Utility revenues are redirected to the general operations of The City of Racine and the costs are silently passed onto the surrounding communities. That’s wrong. A financially sound Water Utility that provides safe and clean water to a region is too important and too vital a function to be left in the trust of Politicians who may allow their ambitions and dreams of development  to jeopardize the Utilities financial health and continuous operation."

Read more:

See also:

See also:

I don't understand our Water Utility.  It seems to be an organization that's outside of city control.  When they lose customers, rates go up.  When they gain customers, rates go up.  That must be why they always have the newest trucks and equipment. 


  1. When they lose customers, rates go up. When they gain customers, rates go up.

    Yep. That's the way it works! They got you coming and going!

    When you conserve like they ask you to - they promptly reward you by raising your rates!
