Friday, February 14, 2014

Mother Nature doing her thing!

Amazing pictures up around Mackinac Island!!!
Michigan  has had the coldest winter in decades.
Water expands to freeze, and at Mackinaw City the water in Lake Huron below the surface ice was supercooled. It expanded to break through the surface ice and froze into this incredible wave.
This wave phenomenon occurs in Antarctica, but in Michigan? Yes, it's been quite a winter



  1. SER- I can not believe that. These are some awesome pics too!

  2. Awesomely cool! This a natural wonder wouldn't mind seeing.. Which reminds me of a blog thought that I should post sometime soon.

  3. I just can't fathom the power behind it to push it up like that

    the colors are just awesome, I would love to see those.

  4. my neighbor just sent this to me, it is actually, if I remember right, up in Antarctica, but somehow got credited to Mackinaw. this was the write up, if you go to the link, the pictures are mind blowing. (and the penguins are so adorable!)
    Photos taken by Tony Travouillon when he was working at the Antarctic base of Dumont D'Urville back in 2004. Check out these exact photos, and many more on Tony's website at:
    They were actually taken by Tony Travouillon when he was working at the Antarctic base of Dumont D'Urville back in 2004.
    I just know I'm ready for spring, if it will ever come!
