Friday, February 28, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

Goodbye February!


  1. I wish "Goodbye February" also meant "Goodbye Cold", but from the sounds of the wind out there, I doubt it... back to 3 pair of socks

  2. I'm waiting to see MARCH come In like a LION.

  3. We are in the 60's today, 50's tomorrow and 20's by Sunday. With a possible ice/sleet storm. I do believe March is coming in like a lion.

    Am I right in thinking Spring is 22 days away? Days people, days.

    IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!

  4. I just can't wait for it to warm up. By Sunday we may have 3-6 inches of snow. I do not want anymore enough already.

    Mary just be careful please.

  5. A Friday 5th and a win at Bedtime Games. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket? WEEKEND!

  6. Happy Friday night!

    More of the verfluchten winter weather. Bring it on! Winter can't last forever.

    Or can it?
