Saturday, February 22, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend

Enjoy yourselves.


  1. What's going on in that image?

    Happy weekend! They say we'll see the sun.

  2. I love the picture. It's a nice one here today and colder tomorrow. BUT, one week from today is March. Things have to start looking up for you guys, don't they?

  3. I couldn't dicifer the picture, my eyes just couldn't adjust to figure it out. Worked a short shift this morning, came home yawning like crazy and crawled back in bed just after 8... rolled over to see the clock say 11:45, and I thought I'd only get an hour, guess I needed more!

  4. that is a pretty crazy picture.

    this weather has to change, looks like it suppose to be colder the next few day. Like Mary said its only another week and March will be here.

  5. You just know that we're going to get snowstorms in March. Maybe in May.

  6. LM- I did the same thing this morning after taking my daughter to work. She had to be to work early this morning and I just crawled back into bed to warm up and fell back to sleep.

    Daddy Orbs- That is a naughty four letter work the one I am talking about is the S word. We do not want anymore of the white stuff on the ground. The cold I can deal with but not the other. Especially when you say we may see it in May.

  7. I think that all of a sudden it will be 85 and we will be sweltering, our thick blood unable to cool itself. It will require that we inflict our pale and blinding skin to the poor innocents around us. Beware!
