Monday, March 10, 2014

"European Air Traffic in 24 Hour Period"

It's kind of amazing that more of them don't crash into each other.


  1. NEAT. Can you imagine doing this with the Automobile?

  2. How do they keep track of all that.

  3. Irregulars, here is a scenario to ponder about the missing Malaysia airliner.

    Perhaps plundering the cargo is the reason the plane went missing. Cargo of gold, diamonds or other valuable commodities could have been on the plane.
    A more interesting possibility is
    the 20 advanced chip design engineers that were on the plane.
    A nut job like Kim Jong-un could have had operatives on the plane to skyjack and bring the plane to
    a planned destination point to extract the cargo.
    Chances are high our government already knows the fate of the plane and is mum on the subject.

    What's your conspiracy Irregulars?
