Friday, March 14, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

If you stare at this image long enough, you get a headache.


  1. Woot, woot, us night owls can spin our heads around 360 degrees.

    May Friday favor your endeavors!

  2. Another warm nice day and then we have 100% chance of rain tomorrow. Of course we had that last Saturday and got nothing. We haven't had any measurable precipitation since August so it is desperately needed.

    And, IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!

  3. Thank you for the headache, sheriff.

    Mary, I hope your warm air makes it our way. The snow piles are melting, but it still feels rather cold out there.

  4. KK - Unfortunately for the weekend we will be in the 50's (compared to 70's) but that is okay. Warm again next week.

    Enjoy your vacation!

  5. Hey, I will be in Racine next weekend...get in Friday...leave Sunday afternoon/early evening (for a meeting at Fermilab). Would love to catch up with some of you then!

  6. Hale, would be great to see you!! Since you're coming here, where do you want to go? What do you miss? Let me know when it best for you and where you would like to go and I'll shoot an email out to the troops!

  7. Synchronicity. Just before I logged on, I thought that the JTIs haven't met for awhile.

    Last night was the first time in almost a year that I didn't sleep with my clothes on (because of bed bugs). It was glorious.

  8. I sleep with clothes on not to get bugged in bed either

  9. I hope the weather holds out for Hale Bopp.
