Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday

Uh, Betty must moonlight as a fairy, or something.


  1. She's constantly changing, a woman of mystery and intrigue.

    Have a wunnerful, wunnerful Wednesday.

  2. Every morning should start at 8:30 am with a cup of coffee, a piece of cake, and a clean kitchen. :) Ahh.

  3. KK - can I come to your house?

    Have a good one everyone.

  4. kk- you almost confused me but then I remembered that you have Spring Break this week.

    I hope everyone stays warm and out of the nasty wind I am hearing outside today!

  5. Any of the Irregulars are welcome to come over. You better call first. The kitchen being clean, me being dressed and cake in the fridge is a rarity. We need to plan for that! ;>

  6. My cell phone leads a more exciting life than I do. It's in Austin Texas at some concert. I hope it is having fun.

  7. Mary, is this the phone that went swimming? At the very least it should send you a "wish you were here" picture.

  8. Laughing KK. No that phone still sleeps with the fishes. Probably frozen as well. My

    Our nephew borrowed it as it's a Samsung event and he could have access to certain events with it.
    My biggest fear is that it will have pictures of Kanye West on it.
