Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday

Have a great day.


  1. well, last night's sleep was nothing as great as the one before. At least I have a short day today, and it's supposed to be getting warmer as the week goes, so it's all good!

  2. It's my "free Wednesday" so I am cleaning. So far I have cleaned out the hangers in our closet as I couldn't find anything and I know I don't have that many clothes. Yup, I think I had more hangers than clothes.
    Have a good day everyone. Sun for now but (hopefully) rain is on the way. Springtime might just start tomorrow as the temps are finally warming up.

  3. Good afternoon. Battling fluid in my ear, so Im loaded full of drugs. Ah, the joys of the last spring cold and flu season hurrah. Yesterday, the custodian had gloves on, more than off, in an effort to keep up with the sick kids.

  4. I hope you feel better soon, kk. So far this season, I've only had a mild cold.

    Wednesday night greetings to all.
