Friday, March 14, 2014

"Was The 'Fix' In For Skies Fall Media Group and Jerry Bloom?"

From Racine Exposed:

"In the last post, it was revealed that Jerry, or Gerry Bloom, was a Contributor and Fundraiser to the John Dickert campaign for mayor. In addition, he just so happens to control a warehouse in Mt. Pleasant that Skies Fall Media Group, with the approval of Racine’s Cable Commission, is moving Racine’s cable access TV station to. Racine Exposed has just obtained a copy of the contract between The City of Racine and Skies Fall Media Group and from the contract, it would appear that the 'fix' is in and that John Dickert campaign contributor and fundraiser, Jerry Bloom, knew in advance that he was set to be paid rent once the move to his warehouse was made. Further, it would appear that the amount of rent may not even need oversight or approval by the Common Council, while the residents and taxpayers of Racine wouldn’t be any the wiser."

Read more:


  1. Of course the "fix'ins were in".

    The majority in Racine don't care, Racine has become a welfare city like Milwaukee. Why upset the leaders in government when you get everything for free?

  2. The sad thing is that, YES THIS WAS A SCAM AND A BID RIGGING. I reember the community speaking out in numbers on this whole deal. In less than a years time they've managed to lose all the old cool shows and hijack our community channel. There are THREE PEOPLE SITTING ON THE CABLE COMMISSION NAMED IN THE FEDERAL LAWSUIT FOR CORRUPTION!!!!!! You think this has something to do with the RICO portion of the lawsuit? Ummmmmmm, yes.

  3. I always find those involved in the Christian religion to be mystifying because, as Mahatma Gandhi so well described them, — 'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

    *Disclaimer* I am not a Christian.

    George Carlin - God Loves You

    Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

    But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good nonsense story. Holy Moly!

    SO, I have to wonder, how important was it to Jerry Bloom to have this cable access station moved onto his property in Mt. Pleasant? What was the LONG TERM goal?

    How profitable can selling Christian books be? Apparently it is very profitable, and allows one to live a lifestyle that seems contradictory to what Jesus taught in the Bible, but that's my view.

    And Ron Thomas is whining about supporting Downtown Racine? Why isn't CAR 25 in Downtown Racine? Are there no suitable buildings?

    Here's a CRAZY IDEA! Why doesn't County Executive Jim Ladwig do his job and tax foreclose on 500 Sixth St. and the City turn it into the CAR25/Belle TV Headquarters? Taxes haven't been paid on that property since 2007, so it's long past due for Jim to do his job.

    500 Sixth St. is in the heart of Downtown, and the City is also involved in First Choice Apprenticeship Program, and they could learn and earn while renovating this building for CAR 25/Belle TV.

    Mission Statement

    The mission of Human Capital Development Corp., Inc. is to provide individuals the opportunity to achieve personal goals of employment and independence at a family sustaining wage in the building construction trades and manufacturing.


    To be the best readiness and training center in Racine/Kenosha and other Southeast Wisconsin Counties in developing individuals for careers in the building, construction craft trades, road building and manufacturing.

    (The mission identifies, targets and recruits displaced, unemployed, underemployed and under-represented individuals in the Racine/Kenosha area, with emphasis on individuals in Census Tracts 1-5 of Racine and others who meet Housing and Urban Development (HUD) poverty income guidelines.)

    But then again, John Dickert campaign contributor and fundraiser Jerry Bloom wouldn't be receiving payments from The City of Racine if the studio wasn't put on his property in Mt. Pleasant. John Dickert and Ron Thomas may claim to support Downtown Racine, but their actions say they don't.


  4. Not only is Jerry Blooms warehouse located in Mt. Pleasant - so taxes are paid to Mt. Pleasant, but he is a resident of Kenosha County, in the Town of Somers.

    Why is John Dickert and Ron Thomas so eager to send taxpayer $$$$ outside the Racine community? Especially dollars dedicated to RACINE CABLE ACCESS TV?

    Crazy, it's just crazy. It brings back memories of the Imaginarium.

    "It's for the children!"

    Well, yeah, sure, except a lot of money was involved, the money became the focal point of an argument by City Hall insiders, the money disappeared, the building was put up for sale, and, like magic, NO INVESTIGATION. What happened to all the money the children collected? The promises, and the vision?

    So back to Town of Somers resident, John Dickert campaign contributor and fundraiser, and Christian bookseller, Jerry Bloom, I have to ask, Does he, like the god he worships, NEED MONEY?

    I dunno - but he's living large. Is he Living La Vida Loco?

    375 30th. Ave, the residence of GERALD W & TRACEY L BLOOM isn't just some modest shack, it requires a healthy income to afford that lifestyle. Located in the Town of Somers on a spread of 22.95 acres, it's a single family residential home, log home style, single story, of 2,484 sq, ft. Built in 1981, it features 3 bedrooms and 1 1/2 baths. It also features a garage that is 1,430 sq. ft.

    According to property records, the Blooms purchased the home on 10/26/2010 for $479,900.

    You may wonder, what do property taxes run on a shack like this? Well, in 2013 the property taxes were $10,413.68. That's quite the sum. What would Jesus say?

    According to Kenosha County property records, the Blooms didn't pay the full amount of their first payment of $5,140.72, which was due by Jan. 31, 2014 and need to make a payment of $1,063.73 by March 31, 2014. Then again, they also paid interest and penalties in 2012 and 2012. Are they simply struggling financially, or just not paying attention and making an honest error? Why is it suddenly so important to quickly move CAR25/Belle TV to Jerry Blooms warehouse in Mt. Pleasant?

    What would Jesus do?

  5. That's 2010 and 2012.

  6. It's called a finder's fee. He needs a payoff too, right?

    When the proposals were submitted for the first RFP, someone pre-selected didn't get their proposal in on time, or they had to make a change to it, or they thought it might be too obvious for Rob Krug's company to be handed the contract since he wrote the RFP...

    So they created a second RFP after John Dickert and Jerry Bloom got together and decided to rig the contract for his tenant Skies Fall. The city didn't post it online or tell anyone about it, except of course Skies Fall who they gave all inside information and coaching, had secret meetings and conversations with, and even changed the process, requirements and their bid amount.

    Every single step including even the city council vote was RIGGED.

  7. This stuff is always so confusing, because one just never knows what "hat" John Dickert is wearing.

    You know, when he got with Jerry Bloom, was he acting as a Broker for First Weber, a Lobbyist, a Political Advisor, a Mayor who had fired an embezzler, or just plain ol' friendly John Dickert. John Dickert is clearly a man of many talents.

    Then you got Jim Kaplan, aka "Lying" Jim Kaplan, who insists that John Dickert is Mayor 24/7. The Journal Times even backs up that claim of "Lying" Jim Kaplan - but then, I suppose you can be Mayor while doing all those other activities. Of course, that question would be better answered in a Court of Law, since there are so many different opinions on it. Especially since "Lying" Jim Kaplan acts paranoid and is alleged to stalk City Hall while packing heat in case the Crazies he claims are after him suddenly show up. Perhaps "Lying" Jim Kaplan is actually "Crazy" Jim Kaplan and needs the assistance of a full mental strait jacket. Let's hope he doesn't shoot anyone at Racine City Hall.

    From The Journal Times:

    May 16,2012 - Journal Times Editorial: Dickert is mayor 24/7, so city was right to pay legal fees.

    Then again, The Journal Times wouldn't print it if it wasn't true.

    Then you got Greg Helding, who, when a Black Man was arrested in Downtown Racine, couldn't even wait for judicial process to take place before he had already tried and convicted him, and was forming a Lynch Mob of White Downtown people. I fully expected to see a cross burning on the lawn of Racine City Hall, as a warning that Black People wouldn't be tolerated in Downtown Racine.

    From The Journal Times:

    October 2, 2011 - RACINE – Details began to emerge Sunday afternoon about an alleged altercation Friday between Racine Alderman Keith Fair and a female employee at his bar, prompting Racine County sheriff’s investigators to arrest him early Sunday morning at the establishment.

    Fair remains jailed on $10,650 bond after sheriff’s officials said the employee -- who is eight weeks pregnant – accused him Friday of hitting and choking her at his bar, Place on 6th, at 509 Sixth St. Fair, 59 - a highly controversial city alderman -- was arrested for strangulation/suffocation, false imprisonment, battery and disorderly conduct, the sheriff's office stated this morning.

    Greg Helding must have immediately activated the "Black Man Out of Control Early Alert Warning System", because less than 24 hours later, the following two articles would appear in that Bastion of Righteousness, The Journal Times:

    October 03, 2011 1:58 pm

    RACINE - Racine Alderman Keith Fair was accused of three crimes on Monday following an alleged assault of a female employee he reportedly has a relationship with.

    Fair, 59, of the 500 block of Sixth Street, was charged with one count of strangulation and suffocation, one count of misdemeanor battery, and one count of disorderly conduct. If convicted on all three counts, he faces a maximum penalty of seven years in prison or a $21,000 fine, or both.


  8. AND, only hours later, A White Lynch Mob, led by the courageous Alderman Greg Helding and Racine's Deputy City Attorney Scott Letney, had been formed in Downtown Racine to protect the Community from any further depredations by any more dangerous Black Men on the loose in Downtown Racine.

    October 03, 2011 5:45 pm

    What is needed to remove Fair from office?

    RACINE - Following news of Alderman Keith Fair's arrest for alleged strangulation, City Council President Greg Helding said he is reviewing the possibility of removing Fair from office.

    If Fair is convicted of a felony, he will automatically lose his elected position, said Racine County District Attorney Mike Nieskes.

    But even without a criminal conviction, a city resident could file a complaint with the city clerk's office to start the removal process, said Scott Letteney, the city's deputy city attorney.

    It was a burning question that demanded an immediate response to end the scourge of dangerous Black Men in Downtown Racine!

    But then, John Dickert's friend, Jerry Bloom had already been down THAT path.

    From The Racine Post:

    Dickert says he didn't know about Bloom's past; NAACP wants review of city's background checks

    Jerry Bloom, the owner of Treasures Media, served time in prison from 1988-90 for firing a rifle into Kenosha's Friendship Baptist Church. Prosecutors at the time accused Bloom of being a "skinhead" and alleged the shooting was racially motivated. Friendship Baptist is a primarily African-American church. Twelve people were inside at the time of the shooting, but none were injured.

    Oh. but I digress, the danger that is "Keith Fair" has removed himself from Downtown Racine, and City Hall can relax now. It's under control. A big 88 goes out to Jerry Bloom, Greg Helding, and Scott Letteney.

    But what if John Dickert is being framed? He already fired one embezzler, perhaps there are others in Racine City Hall, which does appear to be a hotbed of suspicious activity.

    Perhaps John Dickert needs to go undercover, enter the witness protection program, and help root out the Embezzlers that are operating in Racine City Hall at this moment!

    That's my opinion.

  9. The Daily Kos.

    How could THEY be wrong?

    "Black slavery in the early times of the U.S.A. was an act of compassion by white people"

    That is one of many outrageous statements made by a Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin man on his blog attached to the web site of the Racine Journal Times. That same man is a donor to the campaign of Republican Jonathan Steitz, the mysterious Illinois lawyer who recently moved to Wisconsin and is running against incumbent Wisconsin State Senator Robert Wirch in the August 16th recall election.

    He doesn't stop there. His writings are racist, sexist, and offensive in almost every imaginable way. This man had a choice in the recent Republican primary, and he chose Jonathan Steitz. He even gave money to the Steitz campaign.

    Well, that's just one guy, right? Steitz can't prevent a lone lunatic from making an online donation, right? True, but if Steitz gets wind of this, he might want to issue a refund. And there's more. A lot more. A few diaries worth.

    A large percentage of the Steitz donors are associated with One Church Ministries and with Living Light Church, which holds services in three locations. One of those locations is Treasures Christian Books in Racine, Wisconsin. Root River Siren pointed out today that the co-owner of Treasures Media and Treasures Christian Books, Jerry Bloom, was convicted and served time in prison for shooting a rifle into an African-American church across the street from his residence in 1988. (The other co-owner of Treasures Media and Treasures Christian Books is Tracey Bloom, Jerry's wife. Mrs. Bloom donated $200.00 to the Steitz campaign.)

    Others described Bloom at the time as a skinhead and suspected or assumed that he was part of a neo-Nazi group, accusations Bloom denies. Bloom claims that he has since found religion.

  10. *WOW*

    The Daily Kos goes on....

    Here's one more detail. Bloom's Christian book and retail business was so successful that he decided to build an 80,000 square foot facility in Racine in 2009, and he got a nice sweetheart land deal arranged by Racine's mayor.

    If the company stays on the site for 10 years it will receive the 5.4 acres of land for free. Normally it would cost $35,000 per acre.

    That's your free-market capitalism, the kind Jonathan Steitz says he supports.

    As I said, there's more. Next time: The Steitz donor who tried to eliminate the Pleasant Prairie police department, and the donor who recently convinced his local school board to invest in high-risk debt obligations that lost 90% of their value.

    From The Racine Post:

    Michael Shields, president of the local NAACP and a member of the Racine City Council, said he was concerned city officials rushed the project through the approval process. The proposed development in the Southside Industrial Park was basically approved before it ever went public, Shields said. It should have gone through the same review other developments are subject to, he said.

    Bloom hopes to build his $3 million to $4 million building on the former Jacobsen-Textron site by next October. If the company stays on the site for 10 years it will receive the 5.4 acres of land for free. Normally it would cost $35,000 per acre.

    A project to give away taxpayer funds to a crony, rushed through by Dickert -

    Say it ain't so - John!

    Even Racine's Water Witch got in on it.....

    Steitz And His Bad Company

    Yesterday, Zach over at Blogging Blue and Giles at Daily Kos connected a story about Jonathan Steitz, candidate for Senate against Bob Wirch, and some of Steitz' donors who have a creepy background.

    The donations appear to come from clergy associated with Living Light Christian Church which meets at the Treasures Bookstore in Racine. What Giles and Zach may not know is that Treasures Bookstore has a whole backstory all it's own...

    Jerry Bloom, the owner of Treasures - (whose wife Tracy is also a Steitz donor) is a convicted felon who spent his youth as a skinhead and did time in prison for firing a gun through the window of an African American church in Racine while it was in service.

    The Siren spotted our favorite teabilly queen, Raydene Edenhofer on Steitz' finance report. Readers will recall that Edenhofer is the original organizer for the "912 Patriots of SE Wisconsin".

    Creepy Racine!

  11. And now it becomes even more clear of Mary Osterman's involvement manipulating the scores and infulencing the votes based on lies and deception so her business could get free advertising and production, while the residents have to pay thousands!!! This case is a clear bid rigging and RICO case, they'll all go down with this.
