Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my Polka Partiers!  How are you?  We’ve seen a little more sun and even felt a little warm up, but spring still seems far away.  The twittering of birds and the lengthening of the daylight are all that give me hope.  The frost line runs deep during such a winter.  The spring melt off might be more than the frozen/saturated soil can tolerate.  Then come the floods.  Oh my.  Why such negative thinking, girl?  I think the winter ice in my heart needs to melt more.  Mr. OrbsCorbs said in yesterday’s Open Blog that the managers of his apartment building are moving to Florida.  That sounds very inviting after a winter like this one, very inviting.

Señor Zanza and Junior have kept up the spring cleanup of our yard and home.  Unfortunately, three gentlemen from ICE stopped by to see the Señor.  I say unfortunately because it usually takes four or more to make into enough fertilizer for the yard and garden. 

Ha-ha!  Belated April Fools’ Day!  The people from ICE haven’t bothered the Señor in years.  Given what happened last time, I don’t think they’re too eager for a return bout, I mean, visit, either.

I hope that you did your civic duty and voted yesterday.  I sent mine in telepathically. 

Christian Petersen/Getty Images
By now, I assume that you’ve heard of Hank, the stray dog that’s become a team mascot for the Milwaukee Brewers.  The JSOnline is reporting that Hank is doing well after his recent surgery: “Hank the Brewers dog OK after surgery; headed to disabled list” -

Oh dear, I didn’t realize what type of surgery it was until I read the article.  Poor Hank.  It happens to the best of them.  This also ensures that there won’t be any young Hanks and/or young Henriettas to lay claim to his estate.   

It’s a dog-eat-dog world.

Too bad that some of our celebrities and public officials don’t follow Hank’s lead.

Can you feel the love?  I can.  I love you all, except for “some of our celebrities and public officials.”  Thank you so much for stopping by to visit my blog today.  I adore attention.

Who should and shouldn’t reproduce?  Find out:

Enjoy each glorious spring day, my dears.  Temperatures in the 40’s feel warm now, but they feel cold in the fall.  If you know of any prayers or rituals that will hurry the arrival of spring, please say or perform them now.  I don’t want to still be waiting for spring in June.  Sacerdotal!    


  1. Hank is crazy cute!!
    This cold needs to go away - I went down to a single pair of socks for 2 days, then woke with cold feet, back to 2 pair today... stay warm, Mme!

  2. Hank is a cute dog but I don't blame them for having the surgery done.

    This weather is crazy and I agree with LM about wanting the warm weather here to stay already.

  3. Mmz,
    Fertilizer you say?

    So sad about the ICE agents, they tangle at the border all the time.

    But really we should focus on the crooked politicians who write the laws and then not follow them when it comes to compliance.

    With Hank the hound as the Brewer's mascot, at least there will always be something to say about the use of public money for the Miller Park Stadium. The Screwers Brewers will waste the taxpayer money for any reason.

    GO SCREWERS! - as in go away !

  4. I agree that public money should not be spent on billionaire sports franchises.

    Hank is cute, though.

  5. It's 85 here and I had to turn on the air conditioning. Usually I can take it but with the high humidity
    it wore me down. Or else I was having a major hot flash. Possible. :{
