Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my blossoms and blooms!  How are you?  Slowly, but surely, nature pushes up and outwards toward the sun, giver of all life.  Much of our grass has greened up.  Daffodils and tulips are beginning to show themselves.  The trees’ buds swell.  It’s springtime.  It might be cold, but it’s still springtime.  Wisconsin is not unaccustomed to cold springs.  We plant our containers and our fields all the same.  It may be cold and it may rain and rain, but we’ll get something growing.

Tomorrow is already the first day of May.  Please heat up soon, Mr. Sol.  We’re 2/3’s through spring and it still feels like late winter.

“Charter to buy Time Warner cable subscribers” - That’s out of the frying pan and into the fire, as far as I’m concerned.  Charter has a reputation for poor service, even poorer than Time Warner Cable.  Egad.  I predict that consumer costs will rise while service drops.  Thus spake Madame Zoltar®!  Of course, I’m reminded of the blogs that Mr. OrbsCorbs posted:  The gouging of the customers just gets worse and worse.

What also gets worse and worse is Junior’s nagging of me to get his “temps” so he can learn to drive.  Now that the streets are clear of snow and ice, he’s eager to go.  Very eager.  But I’m not eager to grant him his wishes.  I love him like any mother loves a son, but I have to admit he has a wild streak in him.  I blame that on his father.  I worry about that wild streak making an appearance while Junior is driving.  His father’s driver’s license has been revoked ten times over.  Like father like son?  Oh my.

Then there’s the fact that a young male driver on a probationary drivers license shoots car insurance rates through the roof.  Junior doesn’t seem to want to listen when I talk to him about getting a part-time job to pay for the increase in premiums.  And to pay for gasoline and repairs.  Of course, Señor Zanza just gives me that “he isn’t my kid” look.  Well, when Junior can prove that he can pay for driving, I’ll consider letting him get his temps.

Don’t forget that S. C. Johnson’s Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Research Tower is now open for public tours for the first time ever.  You can read more information and book tours here:

And, of course, this Saturday, May 3, is the 60th annual Kiwanis Club of Greater Racine Pancake Day at Festival Hall.  From 6 AM to 6 PM you can stuff yourself with pancakes and the fixings:

Thank you my dears, one and all, for visiting my blog today. You’re special because you’re my friends.  May the great god Kiwanis bless you with pancakes and syrup of joy.

How much to “donate” to the DMV examiner? Ask

Enjoy the stirrings of spring, my sweets.  You can hear, smell, and see it all around you.  Let us give thanks for spring’s rebirth.  Hallelujah!  Raceme!


  1. Mme. Z, maybe I'll see you at Pancake Day.

  2. Mmde.Z looks like she has already had enough pancakes.

  3. Mme. Z- I know what you are talking about with Junior getting his temps. I went through it three times with my kids. I looked at it this way in case of an emergency then there was someone else with a drivers license in the house.

    With all this rain I was by the Root River yesterday on 4 Mile Rd and it is getting high over there. I also look at it this way the farmers really need all the rain that they can get.

  4. I have some flowers and herbs poking up through the ground. It won't be long until the leaves open on the trees. There is residue on the ground where they have popped their shells.

    I remember putting in all that behind the wheel training time when my kids were learning. Start in an empty parking lot. Have him try to pull into a parking space. It helps them to learn where the edges of the car are. Being in traffic with a behind the wheel newbie is one of the most frightening things ever! I'm sure it shaved a couple of years off my life. Good luck with that, Madame. I do not envy you with this endeavor.

  5. Thank you for your kind words.

    Anonymous said...
    "Mmde.Z looks like she has already had enough pancakes."

    I see all and know all. No one is anonymous to me.
