Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my spring flora and fauna!  How are you?  The slow slog to warmer temperatures continues, but it still seems cold outside.  Until the ground and lakes thaw out, we’re going to be chilly.  Then it will suddenly be in the high 90 degrees and warmer for a few weeks, then back to the cold.  Summer’s over.  Oh my.

Oh my, indeed, for what has transpired in Racine since my last blog.  I do hope that federal agents or employees who are in the area and/or monitoring Racine don’t get the wrong impression.  Then again, I’m not so sure anymore what the “right” impression is.

The murder of a patron occurred outside the downtown bar of one of Mr. Mayor Dickert’s best friends.  The federal civil rights lawsuit related to Pattern or Practice that has been brought against the city alleges different treatment for different bars in Racine.  It’s horrid that someone died.  But, given that someone has, what action or inaction will be taken against the bar owner?  This seems to be right up the federal lawsuit’s alley, and it doesn’t bode well for Racine.

Then, of course, we have the OWI and hit-and-run alleged against our District Attorney.  Oh dear.  Another black eye for Racine.  How many eyes do we have?

Remember when Mr. Ex-Mayor Becker was targeted for OWI, but he made it home safely before the police arrived?  Then it turns out that he’s a pedophile.  We would have been better off keeping him drunk.

I’m sorry for the negative tone of this blog, but there are some very strange things happening in this town and we need the likes of a St. Patrick to drive our snakes out and into Lake Michigan.

The good news is that it looks like two cold cases of murder may finally be solved.  Thank you to all the people in and out of law enforcement who worked on these cases.  May this be balm for the victims’ families.  May justice finally be done.

Another issue has been the censorship at the Journal Times site.  They seemed to have taken it up a notch or two lately to protect Mr. Mayor and his friends.  That is precisely why this site exists.  We got fed up with the Journal Times’ censorship of our comments, so we started our own site.  Ta-da!  Please join us.

I can’t leave you on such a sour note.  Watch this video.  It has the answers to all of our problems:

May we always help each other, Irregular or not.

Thank you for reading my blog.  I enjoy your company and consider all visitors my friends.  Love, love, love is in the air.

What’s the meaning of meaning’s meaning?  Ask

Enjoy the longer, warmer days, my friends.   May spring dig us out of the snow and ice.  Early blooming bulbs are poking through the soil.  Hello, my lovelies.  Facinorous!


  1. sounds like great temps to end out the week, go out and catch some uplifting rays!

  2. Doesn't that video just make you want to go out and help someone, anyone? Just look what he got In return for his simple gifts of help.

  3. Thank you for that Vid! You ROCK!

  4. thanks for the words of wisdom Mmdm Z.

  5. I'm sad that they are selling something with their video. Happy are the days you reap the knowledge of your good deeds. People notice and Karma exists. You always get more back than you give. Someone is always noticing.

    Madame, you have no idea how you brighten our world when things are dark, by just being you.

  6. Thank you everyone for your comments; especially you, Mr. Colt. You're a blast from the past.

  7. Thank you for your blog, Mme. Z. That video is great!

  8. here is a reality check
    my favorite is the shot in the ass meter !

  9. Thank you Madame. You truly do Rock!
