Friday, April 4, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

She must have the longest legs.


  1. weird dreams last night, woke up with a wicked headache. time to drug up and take on the world!

  2. It's FRIDAY! Thank goodness. I came up with what I thought was a great idea yesterday. With the weather getting better I decided to get the hose and try to get the mud that has accumulated in the window sills. So I got the hose out and started spraying. It was working great until I realized the screens weren't fairing too well. Oops. Who knew the jet setting would break the screens. Oh well, instead of 3 windows, we now need screens on 6.
    I would like to state it did clean the dirt out.

  3. Mary , sure you didn't you use a pressure washer? ..... laugh'in

  4. No Legal, it was set on jet. I owned up to it, got the rolled eyes and shaking head and that was that. It's before the official start of Walleye season so it's okay. Come to think of it, we do have a pressure washer in the garage. Hmm..

  5. I got my monthly Gas and Electric bill notice e-mail today, and the NEW monthly budget payment went up $41.00 to $277.00 a month. Neat huh?

  6. Toad, the electric bill here is $15 higher than at the old place. I think it's because the refrigerator is running all of the time.

    Mary, you needed new screens anyways, right?

    Happy Friday night! First Fridays should be in full swing.

  7. Orbs. You better go catch it!

    Mary.... There are no bugs in Oklahoma anyways. So you don't need the screens

  8. Yes Orbs we did so this speeds up the process.

    So far the only bug problems are ticks. Two on the dog one on the bed and one on the husband. All found before any damage. It's going to be a long spring and summer.

    That being said, the trees are blooming and the grass was mowed today. I'm loving every minute of it.

  9. Two of the Decorah Bald Eagles have hatched and the third one will come any day now!They are cute!
