Thursday, April 17, 2014

Open Blog - Thursday

I'm thinking about it.


  1. Yee haw, Number 1 again. Cool and rainy today (not complaining) and then things start to warm up again.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  2. Mary, Sorry but It's appears OK has a Governor just as bad as WI. I'm sure she has gone ALL OVER the state, and taken a survey of the people working for minimum wage In OK? My daughter had a very good name for a woman like that, but I can't print It here. It Is however on Facebook.

  3. my only thought on today, is that I shouldn't have gotten out of bed...
    I want a re-do, right after a LONG nap!
    There is not enough chocolate in the house to fix today, even Murphy would be impressed at all that went wrong today... geesh...

  4. I guess I should be happy that the $5000 register I killed this morning reincarnated itself, can only hope it stays alive, or the hubby needs to up my life insurance!

  5. lizardmom, I know what you mean. There are days I swear everything I touch turns to crap, spills, falls, or breaks. Too bad it had to happen on the job. I hope you feel much better after some sleep.

    Happy Thursday.

    I've got a window open and the birds are driving Charlie nuts. He wants to be a bird-watcher (and maybe eater) like Drew.

  6. Toad she is a piece of work. I wonder how conservative she was when she had an affair with a state trooper. High teenage birth rate as well as divorces. We are like every other red state; preaching God while collecting the most money from the feds. You know the bad guys they want out of their lives.
