Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Open Blog - Tuesday

Have a fruity Tuesday.


  1. good morning! I had such a chill yesterday and couldn't stop yawning, so I crawled in bed before 4:00...I think I was meant to hibernate!

  2. are we suppose to wear yellow?

  3. I don't know if it's just me...but that banana looks way too happy to be in that bowl, like something is going on...

    He must be feeling very P & P. Hopefully the apple, orange and grapes are from the opposite "team", since we are talking about fruit here.

    We should all do the same, being P & P that is, not fruits.

    I do know one thing, if I came back as a woman, I know what team I'd participate on.

  4. I don't mind being on the fruity side. Serious is no fun. Looks like I'm just in time to claim the 5th. Party at my house! Nice to see you peeking in, jed.

  5. Party at K'S i'm ready I could go for a refreshment

  6. I just went to see Drew for lunch and the Root River is about to go over on 5 Mile Rd and on 4 Mile Rd. When I go to pick him up I am going to take the camera and get some pictures to share with you.

  7. We're all a bunch of fruits.

    I was worried about the river. The conditions are right for flooding.

    Happy 2's-day.

  8. brrrr, time to go back to hibernating, catch ya'all in the morning ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzz,,,,,,,,

  9. I'm not going to brag... But I am one of the best on Bedtime Games....... Therefore I will not guess tonight until 9 PM. GODD LUCK IRREGULARS.I sure hope kk
    Posts before 9 PM.

    Yeah I paid the blood mooney on tax day .
