Friday, May 2, 2014

Four for Fridays

Hello everybody and welcome back! Today is Friday, right? This week sure flew.... Time flies when you are busy. Anyways your questions....

1) What was the last song stuck in your head?

2) What part of pop culture you wish would just go away?

3) What is the the most dramatic view you have ever seen?

4) What did you do for allowance as a child?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1) What was the last song stuck in your head?
    A. American Pie

    2) What part of pop culture you wish would just go away?
    A. All of it

    3) What is the the most dramatic view you have ever seen?
    A. A drama queen

    4) What did you do for allowance as a child?
    A. Hide and not be seen

    Yo irregulars, have you hugged a clown lately, they need love too....
    Have a great weekend irregulars !

  2. 1. " People are strange"

    2. ALL Piercings

    3. Grand Canyon

    4. I don't remember, but I do remember we got 25 cents a week. We were penalized 5 cents each time we said " SHIT " At the end of the week when we got our allowance I went up to my brother Billy, opened my hand with 1 nickel In It, and said " Look Billy what I got for saying SHIT " (True Story)

    Don't forget to go eat Pancakes tomorrow, even though they don't have " AUNT JEMIMA " come anymore. ASSHOLES.

  3. 1. Sitting on the Dock of the Bay.

    2. Body tattoos. I don't mean one or two, I mean the whole body tattoos.

    3. Looking down from the top of one of the Twin Towers. Ewe.

    4. Made my bed and kept my part of the room clean.

    Thanks Drew!

  4. 1) Mountain Music by Alabama!

    2) Sorry to say it this way, The girls going on the stage looking like whores!

    3) Coming home from up north and a drunk driver in front of us on 41 going onto 894 the guy almost hit the brick walls on both sides of the road. Drew called the police and they were sitting up ahead and pulled right in back of the guy. That was so scary!

    4) Just about everything clean my room, cut the grass, shovel and do the dishes.

    Legal if I knew where you were I would come give you a hug you clown. LOL

    I hope you have a great weekend everyone!


  5. 1) What was the last song stuck in your head?
    Keep Diggin That Ditch You Son of a Bitch

    2) What part of pop culture you wish would just go away?

    I love it all and find it so entertaining. I love the giant piercings because I think of these people when and if they grow much is plastic surgery gonna cost????...HAH!

    3) What is the the most dramatic view you have ever seen?

    Legal sitting on a commode....that sound....ahhhhh, just can't describe the eerieness and musty
    almost like in a train tunnel that
    is haunted near sewage plant. Almost as bad as "Human road carnage"

    4) What did you do for allowance as a child?
    I actually got a paycheck as a child, as I was forced into working at a very young age of
    8 years old at my Dad's office.

  6. 1. Something old from the 40's. My mom always sang while cooking or working around the house. Those great oldies sometimes pop in my head.
    2. I don't like the body mutilation, piercings and tattooing because they are permanent.
    3. The best ones: Frisco bridge, view of St Lawrence Seaway from 19th floor hotel in Montreal, Niagra Falls at night, Pacific Ocean and Mountains in Big Sur.
    4. We were taught to pull our own weight and do chores for the family, not for money. We were not "paid" an allowance. I never paid my children for helping either.

  7. 1) "Still of the Night" by Whitesnake and "She Talks to Angels" by the Black Crowes.

    2) Baggy pants.

    3) Yellowstone Falls

    4) Mowed lawn, did dishes, cleaned my room and whatever my folks came up with.

  8. 1) Tomorrow belongs to me

    2) I don't know. I don't have too much to do with pop culture anymore. I guess I outgrew it. I don't watch TV, listen to the radio, or go to the movies anymore. The net takes me where I wanna go.

    3) Riding in a van as it crossed the New Mexico desert, I looked out either side at the miles and miles of desolate desert. I was overwhelmed with my insignificance in the universe. "You could walk miles out there and no one would ever find you or ever even know that you exist," I thought. Existential nausea.

    4) I did the dishes. When I got older, I cut the grass and shoveled the snow. When I got older, I stole dad's cigarettes. But he smoked menthols, yuck.

  9. Rebel Beat ~ Goo Goo Dolls

    Pop culture

    Dramatic and traumatic. Being in a car accident. Seeing cars flying up and my husband can't breathe

    We did dishes. Started out drying, the as we progressed we got to wash them. Clean our rooms. Help around the house cleaning.

  10. 1)stuck in your head?
    Last week I had one, can't remember it now thank God, damn thing was driving me bananas.

    2) just go away?
    none, live and let live

    3) dramatic view you have ever seen?
    Watched a woman die from internal bleeding after being in a accident on the Interstate one night. watching her turn blue was NOT cool at all.

    4) allowance as a child?
    never got an allowance, didn't believe in them, you wanted money, WORK FOR IT.
