Monday, May 5, 2014

Local Loyalty - thoughts

While "Thoughts" would be a cool sounding place, these are my thoughts, ponderings, and more. 
This adventure has taken me places I didn't know existed. I have met some of the most interesting people, and have gotten to spend time getting to know new friends,  learn about their lives and their businesses. I don't take any of that for granted.  It means alot to me to have them share of their precious time with me. I'm not a reporter, I'm not a journalist, I'm just an every day person, trying to help local businesses get a little boost (tho a big boost would be awesome!)

I haven't been declined many interviews. 
One, was a definite language barrier and my still struggling effort to try explaining who I am and what I'm doing.
Sadly, 3 others declined due to them retiring, or selling their businesses. 
That made me sad. I feel bad for any business that can't stay going strong.
* Common Scents on Main Street -
hoping to sell but uncertain. 
Doug is a good guy, always helpful. He hopes to try working out of a duplex, if he can work it out. I hope so, that way he can still stay in business, just relocate.
* Fired Up, also on Main Street,
retiring, hoping to sell. If these places can't sell and be bought by people hoping to continue the businesses they began, poof, gone. We can only hope whoever buys them, will be successful in whatever they venture to do.
* Megabytes Cafe - also on Main Street.
He declined, though he didn't say why. I read a little while ago, that he went out of business. Such a shame. I don't think he was open very long. Everything I heard about his place was all positive. I wish I had gotten the chance to get to know it better. 

* Burlington RV in Sturtevant.
Not sure why they declined, but I do feel the need to give them a shout out. We're not the camping kind of family that some are. Our neighbors are what I call 'fancy' campers. They have one of those big pull behind fancy 'campers'.
They go camping quite frequently when the weather is decent out. I know one of their popular camping destinations is Wisconsin Dells. 
When they had a problem with a seal, they went to the dealer that they bought it from to find out what it would take to fix it. The quote was out of this world (multiple thousands - and this is from where they bought it from!)
They went to Burlington RV and were quoted much less and the actual fix, came in even cheaper. They are very helpful and not out to gouge. My neighbor couldn't be happier.

I still have quite an extensive list of places to try getting in touch with. I just felt I needed to share this with you.
If you know someone in business in Racine, or any of the Racine counties, or know of a place you would like to see featured, please don't hesitate to let me know! I'm always open to ideas. 
As always, thanks for reading!


  1. LM,

    I enjoy reading your posts. You have become quite the interviewer. Even tho you claim not to be a reporter/journalist, don't sell yourself short. Your writings are very well done.

    I hope you are having fun doing it, it appears from your enthusiasm, that you are enjoying it.

    I will keep on the look out for any businesses that may need, as you say, a "boost" with your very helpful posts.

    Thank you for taking the time and energy out of your busy schedule. What I want to do is keep a list of the businesses you have been to, and make an effort to go there and tell them why you are there.

  2. Making an interviewing list readily available makes sense, we can tell the business we read about them on JTI.

  3. LM- I feel so sorry for the people that are closing their stores.

    There is on place that Drew and I have been to with his sister and brother-in-law. It is Iron Skillet on Washington. The people there are really friendly.

  4. I have an interview lined up for tomorrow after work, one I need to set up and another that should be in by early next week at the latest. My 'hit list' is quite long, we'll see how many don't find me too odd to share a little time with me :) THB - I think Iron Skillet is a chain? I was there once, it was pretty good.
    I am in a conundrum of my own making - I didn't want to do any chains/big box. However, there is one particular franchise(one specific location/owner) that has taken local support to huge levels, that I feel I should bend my own rules and reach out. (no, not where I work, tho we do try to support local things). We'll see how it goes :)

    Jed, Local Loyalty has a link in the side bar, so you can scroll thru all the ones I've done so far. and thanks guys, for your encouragement and support, it helps with the nerves and jitters of doing this!

  5. Thank you, LM, for doing this feature. You're learning to be a reporter. Maybe the Journal Times will hire you.

  6. See! All the compliments you get! Because they are all true!

    You have become even better at an
    already wonderful job you are doing!

  7. I agree... you get better with every post. Keep up the good work. You have found and shared places many of us have never heard of. Thanks!
