Thursday, May 22, 2014

Open Blog - Thursday

Save a penny for me.


  1. Happy Thursday to all, and to all a good night! :)

  2. today is trash day and i think i dropped my good glasses in one of the bags and it now out in the alley, guess I'll have to get up early and beat the pickup guy.

    oh how i hate going through the trash. damn coffee grounds are the worst.

  3. Happy Thursday. Sorry i haven't kept up with the blogs. I've been on and off sick for four nights and days. My usual puke-o-rama.

    Damn, I wish I could figure what triggers it. Saturday evening I had eaten, I fed Charlie, and I put on some coffee. Then, suddenly, bam, I'm sick again. I hate this fucking shit.

  4. Daddy Orbs- I hope you are feeling better.

  5. Orbs - I hope you feel better soon. Could it be triggered by the coffee? Every once in a while I can drink a Coke and be fine and the next time my stomach goes crazy. Pepsi doesn't do it for some reason.

    One day closer to a 3 day weekend. Yee haw.

    Have a great day Irregulars and I hope you find your glasses SER.

  6. KK, PENNY. Reminds me of a funny story. Back In about 1971 I was on a (sorta) date, and we were walking along the shore of Lake Michigan at N. Beach. All of a sudden she say's to me, "Penny" and all I could say was "Penny what?" I don't think she ever told me, I had to ask someone else. I guess I didn't see her again.

  7. Orb's, It's nerves, and the fucking Dr. won't help you. Pisses me off more than you probably.

  8. Dont' get me started on Doctors.
    Hubby's doctor: You have Type II diabetes, here is a pill. WTH.
    Nothing else, no literature no recommendations for diet, nothing. Needless to say hubby went on the pills and then went off. Thanks to a friend who gave him a monitor, and watching what he eats, his levels are normal.
    Personally I think his Doctor is pill happy and a quack.

  9. Apple cider vinegar works wonders for me

  10. SER... Depends are the worst to go thru in the garbage. Welcome to my world (not mine, hehe) that he reached that age !!! Hah!

  11. Mary, I never drank the coffee. I got sick while it was brewing. Coffee is tough on my stomach, though, but I can drink Coke all day and night.

    Toad, my shrink finally prescribed one tranquilizer a day for me. When this stuff hits, though, I need to be knocked out. The tranquilizer and one of my stomach pills are good at stopping the problem if I can keep the pills down and nap for an hour. That's rarely the case - I puke up anything I try to take or eat or drink. The MDs now are more or less in agreement that my stomach problems are psychologically based, but they're still not sure what to do about it. Recovery from this shit takes days. I'm weak and dehydrated and it takes time to get back up there.

  12. I've been a little absent, myself. Seems there is too much other stuff keeping me away and I don't like it!

    Orbs, can you handle dairy? Maybe try a little shot of Kefir every day for awhile. I'm hooked on the stuff. It coats and eases your stomach and replenishes good bacteria. More probiotics than yogurt and soooo yummy!
