Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday

My eyes, my ayes! I think I'm blind!


  1. kkdither said...

    "Thanks to Legal for putting up.... I mean taking care of Mr. Sunshine!"

    Ahem, I had another group of friends who referred to me as "Snappy."

    I am told often that I look angry, or arrogant, or tired.

    My face is the face of depression.

    I'm not whining or looking for sympathy. It's just the way it is. All of us have difficulties in life. Or, as an AA buddy says, "Everyone has their own fish to fry."

    Happy Wednesday! Have a great day.

  2. Orbs, I have never thought you looked angry or arrogant, only warm and kind, because it's in there :)

    The pic for today - groovy, man...!

  3. Good morning irregulars,
    An early start to the day and surely a fast fade back to sleep.

  4. All that talk yesterday about cataracts reminded me about a joke...everyone ready?

    A doctor tells this oriental guy after his eye exam that he has cataracts...the oriental guy I have a rinkin continental.

    Someone else can take the 5th. I am going on the wagon...for now.

    Everyone go out and have a P & P day.

  5. Getting HOT here. Nineties all week. Lows between 65 and 70! Had to turn off the solar for the pool. Oh dear.

    Have a pleasant day, all.

  6. Another scorcher down here as well Beejay. Hopefully we will get some rain and judging by how hot and humid it is already, things could be going in that direction.

    Jed - on the wagon? I bet you will still take the "5th".

    Have a good one. Off to the hardware store.

  7. Thanks kk for thanking Legal....
    I guess 9:08 has been a forgotten blog this week. Poor guy with that
    "pea shooter" and lack of prowess.
    RAOWWWWWWWW. I like pea shooters
    and men who are pussy cats.

  8. Mary, I said for now, tomorrow is another day.

    I am just imagining Beejay outside on top of the roof, throwing a blanket over the solar modules to shut them down. Be careful Beejay.

    (PS Beejay, don't worry I know all solar arrays need a manual shut off attached to them. At least my 5+ years of renewable crap has paid off for something)

    BTW, in case anyone was wondering- nerd convention today. I am sure you all notice a reduction in the availability to purchase thick glasses and new pocket protectors the last couple of days.
    Nice to have the roomie gone. I spent most of the morning rearranging his stuff so he is totally confused tomorrow. lol


    I have noticed how bloggers become uppity and mean. Any site and any blog, not just JTI..

    Cattiness should be rethought.
    It is making the site better?
    Drama can be attractive, but I question the goal of being genuine
    and gracious.

    Many bloggers never acknowledge
    certain other bloggers EVER!!!
    Many insult and have no sense of humor or are maybe perhaps jealous
    of others. Other blog under anon with insults. Others "blogjack"
    and take a whole blog and literally hijack to their destination for their agenda.
    Others give cheap shots. I was told my blogs were "lame" by some yellow bellied chicken shit writing under anonymous.

    We all face depression in times of our lives. Waiting for someone to pick you up often does not happen. Make it happen by asking for help and not whining or getting mad and disappearing. We have seen this before in our own group . Some come, some go.

    "Stop waiting for Friday
    for summer
    for someone to fall in love with you, for life.
    Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now."

    (stolen from another blog site.)

  10. I find the blinkiness of the graphic distracting...squirrel!

    Been very busy recently...just trying to catch up. My boss is out of town for a couple of weeks and that helps since he can't throw as much at me!

    Abnormally cool May day in Tucson...won't even hit 80 but will be back in he 90s by the weekend...first day of 100 can't be far away.

  11. Nice to see you back, hale!

    Orbs... just joshing with you. Your original comment was a wee bit on the cranky side. I'm hoping you know the moniker was friendly based. You know there's love there.

    Beejay, we wouldn't know what to do if it hit 70's around here. It was rather nippy and very windy again this morning.

  12. happy crappy day. here I thought is was going to be really nice outside...weatherman got me again dammit. Maybe tomorrow....

  13. I know the jokes are done with love.
