Monday, May 19, 2014

Secret for Longevity

 Interview  with 101 year-old Hattie Mae MacDonald of Feague,  Kentucky

Reporter:  Can you give us some  health tips for reaching the age of 101?
Hattie:   For better digestion I drink beer.
In the case of appetite loss  I drink white wine. 
For low blood pressure I drink Red  Wine. 

In the case of high blood pressure I drink scotch.  

And when I have a cold I drink Schnapps.
Reporter:  When do you drink water?
Hattie:   I've never been that sick!
Always knew there was a good reason to drink!!!!!


  1. I like this idea. If I could figure out how to avoid the headache I would subscribe to the idea more often. I can't even drink ONE "Cider Boy's" without getting a horrible headache, and beer Is the same, along with wine. I'm going to try GIN real soon.

  2. Go Hattie! It is humor that keeps the heart young.

    A recent study of 80-100 year olds found several things in common. They maintened a reasonable weight throughout their lives (several pounds over what is proposed normal was no big deal) AND, they did not lose weight, or become thinner, as they aged. They also all admitted to 1-2 alcohol beverages per day. It didn't matter what type of beverage: beer, wine or cocktail.

  3. If Hattie is drinking like that, she will feel no pain.
