Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wildflowers Pt 2!

I know it has been awhile since I have posted more pictures of my wildflowers I am sorry. It has been a busy month for us with Drew's bird migration, my daughter and her doctors appointments and my own doctor appointments for my knee and back.

On Mother's Day Drew took me out looking for some of my wildflowers. We went to Sanders Park in Mount Pleasant Wi., Prichard Park in Racine Wi. and Evans Park in Mount Pleasant Wi.. We found a lot of wildflowers at Sanders Park, no wildflowers at Prichard Park and the same wildflowers at Evans Park. Then when we came home Drew cooked out on the grill, no not his chicken wings but we had steak and chicken kabobs.

Here are the wildflowers that we did get pictures of:

This is a Large-Flowered Trillium in some places it was like a bed of them. Kk I know how much you like this flower.

This is a Large-Flowered Bellwort. 

                                                             This is a Lanceleaf Trillium.

                                                              This is a Wood Anemone.

                                                             This is a Wood Violet.

                                                          This is a Common Blue Violet.

                                                              This is a Shooting Star.

                                                             This is a Bulbous Buttercup.

                     This is a Grape Hyacinth. This one was really hard for me to find to identify.
I hope that everyone enjoys the pictures because I do enjoy going out and finding the wildflowers to share with everyone. This is just the start of all the wildflowers coming up and more pictures to keep coming. 


  1. Very talented with the camera and finding those darn birdies.

    Beautiful pictures. I always love your works of art!

    I want to go sometime!

  2. Great pictures THB. Thanks for sharing.

  3. These wildflower shots are great! I need to get a good macro lens and give it a try here.

  4. Thank you, THB, for the post. I, too, like trillium. I think they're dying out. Your wildflower pics always take me back to my landscaping days. Kinda wistful.

  5. Thank you everyone for your comments. I enjoy going out and getting the pictures to share with all of you!

  6. Your pictures are so clear and beautiful! You may need to add a watermark or add your moniker to a corner. These are sure to be stolen by someone looking for an easy buck.

    I love the trillium. My mom transferred some from my uncle's yard to our yard. It was always a sign that spring had arrived. The top picture is the variety that I remember. Thank you for the post!
