Saturday, June 14, 2014

"Drivers Be Aware: Traffic Enforcement in Full Effect"

From Racine County Eye:

By Heather Asiyanbi in Government · June 13, 2014

"Area police officers are stepping up patrols as part of a statewide push to reduce traffic-related deaths.

"The Joint Speed and Alcohol Grant administered by the state Bureau of Traffic Safety covers overtime for officers at 100 percent so police can step up patrols of intersections to target speeding, drivers who aren’t wearing their seat belts, and drivers operating under the influence.

“'To prevent needless deaths and injuries, our officers will be out in force throughout the county as a cooperative effort looking for speeding and impaired motorists along with other unsafe driving behavior,' said Mount Pleasant police Captain Brian Smith.

"MPPD is the fiscal agent for the grant, and officers from Sturtevant, Racine, Wisconsin State Patrol, Waterford, Burlington,  and the Racine County Sheriff’s Department are participating in the push. It started last month and runs through September.

"During the grant period, officers from these agencies will patrol across jurisdictions and conduct deployments in the participating communities.

"Smith said a recent speed deployment on Spring Street in the City of Racine netted a number of citations. Officers staged another deployment in Mount Pleasant Friday.

"Sturtevant police Chief Sean Marschke noted 240 traffic calls/stops in that village in May and credits part of the increase to his department’s participating in the grant initiative.

“'We actually expect that number to rise because of the grant,' he said.

"Aside from increasing safety on area roadways, there is a financial gain for the communities where stops are being made. Marschke told village trustees that citations issued in Sturtevant means fines paid to the village no matter if the officer initiating the stop is from Sturtevant or not."

Read more:


  1. Thank you for the reminder and the warning. Driving in Racine, we've all been trained that 10 over is the norm. School is going to be out on Tuesday of next week. That, in itself, is a great reason to bring down the speed... that is of course, if the other drivers don't run you off the road for going the posted limit.

  2. Kk- Thank you for the reminder of school being out next week.

    Last night I went to pick up my daughter and her boyfriend from the movie theater last night and going down Washington Ave the police had two cars pulled over between Emmersten and Hwy 31. I was wondering what was going on. The one by Emmersten had about four police cars by it.

  3. You're right about being run off the road, kk. I've been in situations in the city where I'm going 15 mph over the limit and still I'm being tailgated.

    I've learned the best way to deal with tailgaters is to take your foot off the gas and let your vehicle slow down normally. It drives the tailgaters nuts. They scream and honk and yell profanities, but I just let it slow down until they are forced to pass me.

    One guy followed me to a halt in the middle of Spring Street. Spring is a 4 lane street. I was in the right lane. He could have passed me at any time. After about 30 seconds he took off around me.

    Please watch out for the kids. They can dart out without warning.
