Friday, June 13, 2014

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone and welcome back! The week started off with a bang! It got really busy and then slowed down towards the end. Anyways, your questions...

1) What TV show are you embarrassed about watching?

2) What TV show fires your imagination?

3) What is the ideal comfort food?

4) What was the first professional sporting event you went to?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1) embarrassed about watching?

    2) fires your imagination?
    some movies

    3) ideal comfort food?
    Hamburgers or pizza

    4) professional sporting event you went to?
    Auto racing - Milwaukee Mile

  2. 1. Okay, the Real Housewives.

    2. Cosmos.

    3. Steak.

    4. I don't remember. Sheesh.

    Thanks Drew!

  3. Pryor to being called the "Miller 200" it was called the "Bettenhausen 200" named after Tony Bettenhausen who was kill testing a car for my Uncle Paul.

    Bettenhausen was killed in 1961 in a crash at Indianapolis while testing a Stearly Motor Freight Special vehicle for Paul Russo. The car smashed into the outside wall of the track and then rolled 325 feet along the barrier. The car came to rest in a grassy plot between the wall and Grandstand A, with the tail of the car on fire. Results showed the accident was caused by an anchor bolt which fell off the front radius rod support, allowing the front axle to twist and misalign the front wheels when the brakes were applied, which drove the car into the wall.

    After my uncle retired from racing he drove the Pace Car for quite a few years.

  4. 1. Sometimes I watch "Naked and Afraid" on Discovery or where ever It Is. Nutin like a nice Booty (on the women please)

    2. Person of Interest

    3. Live, Onions, Bacon

    4. Milwaukee Braves Game when Henry Aaron was playing.

  5. SER, The race following the Indy 500 at the Milwaukee/West Allis track was also called The Rex May Classic. I only went to see It once.

  6. 1) Nothing

    2) NCIS

    3) Anything I don't have to cook and that Drew cooks for me.

    4) Timber Rattlers Game in Appleton

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  7. 1. I watched Big Brother when it first came out. I thought it was an interesting social experiment. It quickly turned trashy. I quit watching it... but probably not soon enough.
    2. Have to agree with Mary. Cosmos. At least when I can stay awake. He has THE voice.
    3. Taters
    4. Think it was a Bucks Game. The ticket was wasted on me. All I remember was the annoying squeak of their shoes on the court.

    Thanks drew for some memory jogging questions. :)

  8. 1) I don't watch TV anymore.

    2) The Marx Brothers fire my imagination.

    3) Watermelon.

    4) When I was a kid, a family friend took me to a Milwaukee Braves game. The kid sitting next to me got a fly ball.

    Thanks for the questions, drew.

  9. 1. none - I like them all, so there!
    2. CSI
    3. chocolate, or beef enchilada's from Los Mariachi's, depending on the mood of the day, chocolate usually is the answer to everything
    4. Brewers, when I was in Jr, High, when they still had such a thing as Jr. High...

  10. 1) Cartoons...

    2) Nature shows for some reason.

    3) Chocolate

    4) Probably the Packers at County Stadium.

  11. 1. Obama news conference's
    The lying piece of shit would better serve world peace by removing himself from office.
    2. SYFY of course
    3. lobster or king crab
    4. to far back for me to remember, but might have been the Crusher vs. Dick the Bruiser
