Monday, June 23, 2014

Open Blog - Monday

Decaf is like nonalcoholic beer - what's the point?


  1. anything that naturally has caffeine was never meant to be without, so today, I'm caffeine makes me happy :)

  2. Still too early to find whatever it is that will make me happy today. Why is it that you can't sleep when your schedule allows a few extra winks? If someone knows where that Murphy guy is... you better tell him to hide. I'm tired of his laws. ;>

  3. Storms and lots of rain again last night. I'm likin it.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  4. caffeine free is like drinking skin milk, nothing good left in it. Or diet soda; and my doctor says drink skin milk and NO soda whether it's diet or not...

  5. Does this mean that the fifth is the non alcoholic version today ? Then it is still up for grabs! Where is JED when you need him?

  6. KK where are we supposed to post our happy thought of the day?

  7. Happy Monday.

    I'm happy because I was expecting to pay $200 or more for an exhaust system and all the truck needed was a gasket and some studs at the rear of the catalytic converter.

  8. BLB, thanks for asking! You can post it anywhere you choose. The daily blog works. Also, anyone can post their own blog with a picture of something that makes them happy that day. I kind of like that idea, share the love.... I just can't commit to another weekly or daily deal. I do, however, like the positive note it brings to our page. Blog on!
