Thursday, June 12, 2014

Open Blog - Thursday

Like, totally.


  1. good morning...
    the moon is getting rather big, people are getting crazy, fun stuff ahead...

  2. I was awakened twice by thunderstorms and loved every minute of it. Got over an inch of rain which is even better. Slowly but surely we are knocking down the rain deficit.

    Have a good one Irregulars.

  3. Full moon tomorrow and Friday the 13th. all at once.....we are doomed!

  4. I wish I hadn't read about the full moon and the craziness.... tomorrow starts final exams for the students. That, in itself, makes for madness.

    A front is moving in with dry, comfortable temperatures for the next few days. These are the days we dream of in Wisconsin. Aaahhhh.

  5. Had a nice day for a change....
    took the day off from most of it and
    went some places and had some fun.
