Thursday, June 26, 2014

Open Blog - Thursday

One day leads to another.


  1. it's been a productive week so far, I'm in a cleaning/purging mode and even fit in a peticure - got all 20 tootsies on my little girl clipped, and my own toes painted. Sparkly toes make me happy :)

  2. Good Morning all. Have a great day everyone.

  3. Making my favorite dish of bulldog stuffed with bumblebee! That's what makes me happy'

    Great day y'all.

  4. Walleye on the grill makes me happy

  5. Never had walleye on the grill. Someone once made me salmon on the grill and it was delicious! I make a mean, spicy tilapia in the frying pan.

  6. You mean , KK, you would rather try walleye on the grill than my Bulldog stuffed with bumblebee? It is a Chinese dish...the talk of the day.
    We will have to invite you over to our house for some of my wonderful cooking along with other Irregies
    and Annonies.

  7. Happy Thursday! Where is the time going?
