Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Open Blog - Tuesday

Got any gossip?


  1. no gossip here, just lots of yawns. There was a work party last night, and I was able to go. the boss opened for me so I would be able to go and get a little sleep before coming in, so on to caffeinating and getting these eyeballs open!

  2. The rains have gone and we are experiencing perfect weather in the low 80's. I'm happy happy happy.

  3. Just got home from physical therapy on my knee and the knee has been hurting all morning. Go to the doctor after Drew gets off work. The orthopedic doctor said there is nothing he will do for my knee. Real nice not. I get to keep walking around with a brace on my knee.

  4. THB, sorry about your knee. I hope it heals up quickly.

    Happy Tuesday.

  5. Oh... I've got gossip, baby. I just don't spread it!
