Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Open Blog - Tuesday

Here's my tip: Look both ways before crossing a street.


  1. Here's a tip, don't bet on a dead horse.

    go back to bed, it's waaaaaaay to early to be up...except for lizzymom.

  2. haha! I'm up, not opening this morning but a 5 instead. Had I not been awake by now, that ear piercing thunder clap would have woken me straight up, wow, sounded really close! Good Night SER, and good morning to all!

  3. Good morning all. Part of my house is torn up as the last room is getting carpet today.
    Guess who gets to come home and clean. Hubby is putting it in so I get the end result. I'll be happy happy happy when I can move in and out of this room again.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  4. Last room, Mary ? I'm envious !
    The outcomes are the best and nake it all worth it!

    Have a wonderful day irregulars! Each and everyone are loved by me
    No matter what crazy comments people say , including myself !

    All of you that blog less and less, please start up again . You are missed and wanted to be heard from.

    All the Jenny and Lenny must unite!
    We are all on the same team ! FOR WE ARE THE ALMIGHTY JTI!

    We are diversified intelligent people
    Who may have disagreements. That is Ok. We need your opinions and thoughts! I have slacked off because of Mom. She is attention demanding and wants me to be by her side 24/7/365! It is hard!

    I really have to give credit to the Sheriff to keep this going day in and day out. You are doing a great job.


  5. I've been a little more absent because of the change in work arrangements. I hope to be more visible as of 3 pm today! Yea!

    Looks like a warm, muggy day ahead. Be careful not to overdo. We aren't used to this weather.

    To add to the theme.... Don't take any wooden nickels.

  6. Tips accepted here!

  7. LM- The thunder and lighting woke me up too. I was up for an hour until it was gone. I sounded like it was right outside our back door.

    Mary- We are so happy for you. Enjoy your new carpet.

    BLB- If you ever want to get away for a little while call me and I will come and help you out. You are missed too.

    I was just out doing some errands and my car said it is already 81 degrees out there and the news said it will get up to 87 degrees and very humid.

  8. THB - We've been in the high 80's with a high humidity and dew point. It is miserable.

  9. Crime Stoppers needs tips on our crime wave.

    It's 87.6 degrees out there. I've noticed that some people on the west side of the building have their a/c on. I'm afraid of the electric bill.

  10. Has anyone else had trouble with the site? It's very slow to me. I did a speed test and it's not on my end. This has been going on for days.

  11. Mary, congrats!!
    BLB, we miss you but will take as much of you as we can get, whenever we can get you :)
    KK, is Wednesday the official last day? The kids are insane, I know it's close, wow!
    Orbs, I wish crime stoppers could get the help they desperately need, the bank hit yesterday, Chase at 21st and 31, is out work back, I know quite a few of the workers there, to the best of my knowledge, they're all ok. scary stuff! No troubles with our site tho.
    The cottonwood trees all need to be cut down and torched, my sister and I are a mess with all the 'snow'

  12. BMO was hit today on Durand this afternoon. Johnson Elementary School was put in lockdown. Looks like they have a "person of interest" in custody. Nothing will change until they catch a few and lock them up with stiff penalities. Let's hope it is sooner than later.

  13. We had two nineteen year olds, male, and female, that stood In front of a coal train last Saturday morning. Fuck Heads. The Engineer driving the train cried all the way to Minneapolis by car, because they can't run the train after an accident. Sorry, but I don't feel sorry for people that take their own lives. Been through It, and would not wish the effects on ANYONE.

  14. Orbs, my computer has been slow on these sites as well. So I don't know if it's blogger or what.

    Anyway, here is my tip. Don't take a blind date to a silent movie.

  15. Lika you are cracking me up. Thanks I needed that. Now I have to go find my neighbor. I think she's my neighbor but I'm not sure. She doesn't live there but is moving in. For the last 6 months. Meanwhile she keeps 3 dogs and a duck there outside with Temps in the 90's. That doesn't sit well with me at all.

  16. Hopefully, it'll clear itself up. That's the way it usually goes.

    Tip: don't pee into the wind.

  17. Oh, and don't tug on Superman's cape
