Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday

Hello, gorilla or Big Foot or whatever you are


  1. cottonwood trees, or should I say their flying puff balls, are my nemesis right now, wicked stuff!

  2. Good morning Irregulars. Well, it was bound to happen and it did. Hubby's back is really bad right now and he can't sit for long before he is in agony. Not a good thing for someone who spends the day driving. So after work I had to drive him (while he was laying down in the front seat) to pick up bags of something so the guys could finish putting tile in.
    As I turned out of the parking lot, two guys were blowing off grass they had just mowed. So when I turned right I went into the other lane to miss them. The next thing I know, red lights are flashing at me. Crap.
    She wanted to know what was going on. We explained everything and she stated I was pulled over for not going to the inside lane and no signal. Hmm, a possibility.
    Thank goodness I was wearing my insurance shirt as I think it helped. She did let me go thank goodness. First time since 1988 when I was pulled over twice in one week.
    That being said, I'm still being hassled by the gimpy guy. Personally I don't think someone who may need my services today should be talking smack to me.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  3. Mary- You are so lucky on that. We hope Hubby's back is getting better and don't let him tease you to much.

    LM- I know what you are talking about with that wicked puff balls blowing around same for me.

    I hope everyone has a great day!

  4. Confucius say, man who speak smack while in compromised state may receive smack to head. ;> Hope he feels better soon.

    I really believe I am allergic to work (or something in the building) Much less congestion and blowing since I've been away. Can I apply for disability?

    Been working on signing up for a few continuing ed classes this summer through parkside. They sure don't make things easy...

  5. I'm trying to get rid of the garbage can.

  6. OKIE: The garbage can is visible to you on posts you are capable of deleting.

    Only admins of the site can permanently delete posts. We occasionally go through and clean up deletes by users.

    Hey.. and welcome!

  7. Hey, OKIE, stick around. The fun is just beginning.

    Happy Wednesday!

  8. Forgot to mention, sorry Mary and hubby for all the trouble. Hope hubby gets well soon.

  9. Happy for FLOWAHS AND CHIHUAHUAS. where are some old friends on this site. ? Where are the new bloggers?

  10. Lizzymom cottonwood trees, I hate those damn things.

    I was fish at Petenwell Dam sitting on the rivers edge and behinds us was a row of them trees. Suddenly the wind came up and i thought i was in a snow storm, I was covered with that shit.

    Mary, I can send him some vicodin...laugh'in. I would rather have a sore back then a sore tooth. at least with the back you can get into a "relief" position for a bit, with the tooth, you're screwed!
