Wednesday, June 25, 2014

"Thieves attempt carjacking, but can’t get away in a stick shift"

"SEATTLE – A 70 year old woman is stopped by three young men with a gun right outside her Seattle home. They got her keys, but they didn’t get away with her car.  That’s because when the would-be thieves got in Nancy Fredrickson’s car, they discovered it was a stick shift. None of them knew how to drive a manual, so they ended up ditching the car and running away."
Dumb asses.


  1. I know how to drive a stick...don't get to do it often. I even know actors who put that on their resume in case there is a TV or movie role where driving a stick is required.

  2. I love driving a stick shift. use to drive a big Kenworth with 12 forward gears and 3 reverse.

    I started working on the farm at the age of 13 where I learned how to drive a stick shift and worked until I was 25.

  3. my 1st car was a stick stick VW Beetle, my 2nd was a semi automatic, stick without the clutch, now that was a fun car!

  4. I can drive a manual as well, it might be a bit jerky. Also had practice in high school with VW's. I don't have a blackbelt like this woman.

    I heard of a similar incident a while back. She is lucky they didn't take her hostage and make her drive.
