Sunday, June 15, 2014

"VenuWorks Contract is to be Extended Two Years – Civic Centre to Cost Taxpayers $611,750 In Subsidies"

From Racine Exposed:

"On Tuesday June 17, the Racine Common Council will refer the recommendation by City Administrator Tom Friedel to extend the contract of  VenuWorks of Racine, LLC by two years, to the Finance and Personnel Committee for consideration.

"Is this in the best interest of City taxpayers and has Venu-Works turned the Civic Centre Enterprise into a profit center for the City; or it a profit center for Venu-Works of Racine LLC Registered Agent Rik Edgar and the multitude of vendors and contractors who service the Civic Centre and collect taxpayer funds?"

Read more:


  1. Where's the money?

    With a budget of $81M + and tens of millions that have been thrown around...

    Where's the money?

    Don't ask John Dickert or Dave Brown - 'cause the money is flowing because of all the (unnamed) Developers they are talking to...

    Shared Revenue Discussion

    Where's all the things the Civic Centre has purchased? Where is the money coming back in from the sale of old stuff?

    Is anyone keeping track?

    POOF, and it's gone!

  2. When is the city going to sell that money pit?

    At least we could collect taxes on the property.
