Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"Complaint against county supervisor dismissed"

From The Journal

"The complaint alleged that Osterman did not properly disclose financial interests in the project and that the Root River Council, of which Osterman is a member, is not a nonprofit organization as it claims."

Read more:


  1. So sad to see these Equality Project kooks waste everyone's time and tax payer dollars with their wacky conspiracy theories.

    Thugs of black teens roam the city, attacking innocent whites and committing hate crimes - and where is the Equality Project? More worried about CAR 25 or some other unimportant crap.

  2. The entire article is hearsay and would not be considered as admissible as evidence in a Court of Law.

    John Dickert, the Mayor of Racine, claims he fired an Embezzler. YET - John Dickert has never named the Embezzler he fired. Nor have the People of Racine ever been told how much was embezzled, or the fate of the Embezzler. In fact, the People of Racine paid out over $100,000 for John Dickert to prove he didn't fire an Embezzler.

    Rich Chiapete, Racine County DA, performed a drunken hit and run, then told Police he was sleeping on the Couch. YET -numerous witnesses saw Rich run away from the scene of his crime. And Rich even tried to finger someone else for committing his crime. The only evidence we have concerning Rich Chiapete's trustworthiness is that he is NOT trustworthy,a liar, and not a credible witness.

    Jim Ladwig, Racine County Executive claims that the County would receive rent from Reef Point Brewhouse, yet the County Budget indicates that not one penny has been paid by Reef Point Brewhouse - it is 100% taxpayer subsidized. Jim Ladwig is not trustworthy.

    Kurt Whalen, former RPD Police Chief acts unlawfully to take deprive another man of his property, under the color of law, and refuses to swear to a statement that he likely knows to be false. The Court even labels Kurt Whalen as being UNTRUSTWORTHY.

    SO what makes anyone believe that Michael Lanzdorf is any different?

  3. Has anyone yet offered Court Admissible Evidence -

    Such as an Official IRS Ruling letter


    a form 990,

    which would prove the claim?
