Friday, July 4, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

Happy Birthday, USA!


  1. Happy 4th of July everyone!

    The Racine parade is on Channel 24 at 9 AM this morning.

  2. Happy 4th of July everyone. I miss hearing the cannon go off signaling the start of the 4th. I wish I was there.

  3. Thanks, DodgeBoy, I checked online and they said channel 25. All I saw there was the military remembrance photos.

    Please be safe today, Irregulars. The temperature is spectacular and the sun is shining. Remember the sunscreen if you plan to be out.

    p.s. the Sturtevant fireworks were fantastic last night. There were red stars mixed in. How do they do that?

  4. I like the picture. WHAT Independence? OH from ENGLAND that's right. Gee, they don't have the GUN problems, or the Health Care problems. What's Up?

  5. the original plan for the day was to go to the parade. upon 2nd thought and my dislike for crowds, went with cooking an insane amount of chicken to can both the meat and make some kick butt stock to also can. Part 1 of that project had me awake til almost midnight last night, part 2, cooking the stock down is today's plan, once I get awake! Happy and safe 4th to all!
