Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Open Blog - Tuesday

They're cute siblings.


  1. Hop to it and have a nice day

  2. I am sick of cutting grass with all this rain.....
    At least it is not snow. That will be soon enough.

  3. Does everyone realize that in about 4 weeks, football starts again. I will remind myself of that in the next few days when we break 100. Not complaining,just thinking of ways to stay cool.

  4. get to go to the dr at 11... hoping for a nice round of steroids to get my lungs happy again...
    in other news... dumb drug guy story (true story to finish my nice short shift today)
    Guy approaches a male manager in the bathroom, asks him to help with a urine sample so he won't fail... managers response "sorry, bro, I'm all out" as he was zipping up... ahahaha! same drug guy then proceeds to wander around asking random strangers the same, called Mt Pleasant's boys in blue, they got him. It sure helps confirm your the perp when you run at the site of a squad, doofus!

  5. sorry, Beejay, "YOU'RE the perp" and , , , I think I may have missed a couple commas :D
    (this doesn't count as the 5th)

  6. Very surprised at the "sample" guy. Wonder who he needs to provide that sloppy mess to? The time I had to drug test for a job, it was so procedural... special stuff in the bowl of the toilet, special hand washing, temperature of urine at delivery outside the door was checked. Geez... it might have been easier if she just watched me do it.

    Okay... hopefully a little cooler around here today. Past couple were rough. Stay safe, Irregulars. Watch those bullets that are flying around. Hard to even watch the news anymore. You see the recent numbers from Chicago?

  7. kk, maybe someone was watching. They're very careful now with drug screening.

    There also are products out there that supposedly "purge" your system for a drug test.
