Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday

Have a good Wednesday.


  1. slept awesome last night and woke up before my alarm, inconceivable!

  2. Last night while replenishing the bird feeder I looked through the fence to see Hawthorne Leghorn and the girls only to find them gone. Cages are still there and more building has been going on. If it weren't so hot I would take the dog for a walk to see if I can hear them in the garage. I think I'm becoming obsessed. Hmm.

    Have a great one Irregulars.

  3. What a dfference a day makes. It's beautiful out there.

    Good day, Irregularians!

  4. at least I got a good night sleep, work was fine til the boss arrived as I was getting ready to leave, don't know what lodged up her hiney but she was on a rampage, and I was the 1st to take her wrath... trying to figure out what she said, none of it was my doing, my fault, or anything to do with me, and I get to go back in less than an hour for a meeting with the tirading maniac... please start a bail fund, I think I may need it...

  5. When people behave badly around or especially to you... keep your mouth shut and your wits about you. Chances are their bad behavior will be recognized and this outburst will work as a positive for you in the future.

    Mary, are they building Foghorn Leghorn Manor condos? Oh noooo.

  6. I stood there and took it, partially because I was shocked by the attack, partially because I could feel my hair blowing from her vengence, then as soon as she headed for another victim, I bolted! She was tamer at the meeting, no apologies tho, would have been nice, at least I don't have to see her again til next week! YEah!

  7. One of the things I learned as a manager is that you don't dress down an employee in the presence of of other employees.

    Like you said, LM, she probably already had something up her butt.
