Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday

I wonder about women every day.


  1. wondering what women do to have fun on Wednesday

  2. don't know about wonder woman today but next week for sure! steroids to breathe on their way into my system, here we go!

  3. My plan is laundry fun today. I'll slip in some entertainment between loads ;>

  4. Well SER, it's my day off so I'm going to get my nails done.
    We are having a stormy morning here with lots of lightning. Bad enough it caused a 9000 sq ft home to go up in flames resulting in a 4 alarm fire. No one was hurt which is good. AND, so far over 2 inches of rain which is better.
    Awaiting company on Friday. I don't think the house has been this clean in.........

    Have a good one Irregulars.

  5. I think I will use KK's words and "slip in" to grab the 5th.

    I used to do laundry down in Chicago, very conveniently a local bar was right next door, which meant I had the drinking down to a wash/spin/dry time frame to the very second.

    Mary-who needs 9000 sq ft of home?

    I hope everyone has a P & P day.

  6. oh OKIE (Mary), I read your post too quickly and thought it was from Orbs, then got to the getting your nails done part. After being happy he was going to pamper himself, I reread who it was from :D thanks for the smile!

  7. Hey there, jed! Nice to see you slipping around. Those were my words? hehehe. Get the pour on, I can start imbibing anytime. Laundry is sorted out, hasn't made it to the machines... yet.

  8. Sort laundry, what for kk? I just throw the whole basket in together and use cold water. What the heck, it is going to get soiled again, right? Well, maybe that is why all of my white stuff looks ready for Grateful Dead concert...

    Funny LM, I can just see the chinese girls talking about Orbs while giving him the treatment. (Remember that Seinfeld episode KK?) I hope they don't talk about Mary like they did to Elaine.

    I'm pouring KK, as quickly as possible, you only have 39 minutes on the wash cycle(casual) We can slow down for the dryer as we have 65 minutes for that(sanitize cycle)

    Next time we can talk about the dishwasher, that one is 98 minutes of fun. lol

  9. A number of laundromats either have bars next to them, or they're even connected in the interior. Might as well lap up a fifth as the laundry gyrates.

    I did have my nails done a few days ago when I clipped them.

  10. or practice gyrating as the laundry does
