Thursday, July 24, 2014

Rogers Out for Season

Click here for more info ---> Arron Rogers out for 2014 Season

Rogers was seriously injured in a boating accident and was arrested for driving the boat while intoxicated...


  1. SER, SER, SER. What are you up to?

  2. Many a cheesehead reading this could likely suffer chest pains. SER.... you better watch yourself!

  3. Gaslighting people today, huh Ser?

  4. I'm sad. I was hoping they would bring back Brett Favre, so I can be a Packer fan again. Hell, those thugs won't even retire his number, they all lie through they're teeth. I think Rodgers Is the problem?

  5. I think he pulled this same stunt last year. Hmm.

    As for Brett his playing days are done and he is already experiencing memory loss from the concussions.

  6. Aaron Rodgers is OK, but I always preferred Roy Rogers.

  7. Speaking of Drunken Boating Accidents...

    Where is the voice and campaign rhetoric of party support from *RISING DEMOCRAT STAR* John Dickert? He's kinda quiet these days, now that he's hanging with top-notch Illinois Republicans. Rumor is, if some local Mayor-type keeps Racine Democrats quiet and under control, so Walker gets re-elected, someone gets a nice cushy job in Madtown.......

  8. I heard on the news Brett may play one game this year????
