Monday, August 11, 2014

Cryo Cream!

I was on a trip to San Francisco last week and stayed at a hotel near the airport for the meetings (didn't even get into the city!) The last night there, I went out to dinner in Burlingame with some friends. The hotel had a free shuttle and it dropped us off right in front of a place we all knew we had to try: Cryo Cream.
 Cryo Cream makes your ice cream fresh after your order it using liquid nitrogen. Pick your flavor, everything gets put into the machine and then the liquid nitrogen is added to freeze it in a puff of steam.
 Water vapor from the atmosphere condenses and forms ice on the very cold tubes carrying the liquid nitrogen.
 And the back wall is decorated kind of retro-sciencey.
Somehow the ice cream did not get a picture went too fast. What a great concept for an ice cream shop with uber nerd appeal!


  1. I'm pretty sure I saw someone making this on one of the late night talk shows. Could it have been Letterman with the science kid competition winners?

    Jealous of your SF trip, even if you didn't get into the city proper. The air smells good and the daylight comes at you from a different angle.

  2. Do they have a flavor for Walt Disney?
