Friday, August 29, 2014

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone and welcome back! There are some weeks that drag and others that go quickly by... The week was a little bit of both. Looking forward to the three day weekend. Anyways, your questions...

1) Would you want to be immortal?

2) What is the most depressing movie you have ever seen?

3) Would you rather work for a small business or a large corporation?

4) What magazine do you look for when you are stuck in the waiting room?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1) Would you want to be immortal?
    No way, too many aches already at this age

    2) What is the most depressing movie you have ever seen?
    Depressing or pathetic, I don't watch'em

    3) Would you rather work for a small business or a large corporation?
    Both have their merits

    4) What magazine do you look for when you are stuck in the waiting room?
    Hot nurses

    Thanks Drew, have a great weekend Irregulars

  2. 1) Would you want to be immortal?

    As long as I don't have to die in the process.
    2) What is the most depressing

    movie you have ever seen?

    Alex: The Life of a Child

    3) Would you rather work for a small business or a large corporation?
    I'm sick of work and sick of bureaucracy.

    4) What magazine do you look for when you are stuck in the waiting room?

    Travel....want to just get away from everyone, even farther away than Calgon ....maybe to a city called CALGONE .

  3. 1. No.

    2. Old Yeller

    3. I'm leaning towards large.

    4. People.

    Thanks Drew and have a Great Labor Day Weekend.

  4. 1. Yes

    2. Old Yeller

    3. Large FAMILY owned business.

    4. Woman's Day. (Best Recipes to steal)

  5. 1) Only if I didn't have any of this pain again.

    2) There are a few Armageddon, Titanic, ET and Ghost.

    3) Family owned.

    4) Anything but The Enquirer and any other gossip ones.

    Enjoy the long weekend!

  6. 1. Used to think so when I was younger. Now? No. Change seems harder to accept the older you get.
    2. I don't watch scary, depressing or overly violent movies. For that, I just turn on the news.
    3. Large. More diverse and more opportunities for advancement.
    4. PC Magazine, or some other techie type.

    Thanks, Drew.

  7. 1) Nope, no immortality for me. Things just seem to get worse the older I get.

    2) Old Yeller sounds right.

    3) Small business.

    4) I try to sleep in the waiting room.

    Thanks, drew.

  8. 1) Would you want to be immortal?
    Only in good health, otherwise i don't think so

    2) What is the most depressing movie you have ever seen?
    I have no idea, there are too many of them.

    3) Would you rather work for a small business or a large corporation?
    Small business as long as i have benies.

    4) What magazine do you look for when you are stuck in the waiting room?

  9. 1) There's this tune from Rush called "Xanadu" and it's about a guy who to a place called Kubla Khan where we finds immortality. (I think it's from a book called the "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand) Time has passed him by as he lives forever, making him the last human being. Loneliness overtakes him and he wishes for death. The thought of living for centuries may be appealing, but I'm not sure if I'd want to live that long.

    2) Consensus says Old Yeller.

    3) Working for a big company sounds nice because of better wages and benefits, however working for a small company you are more a name than a number. What to choose? I don't know...

    4) Anything with nature, music or entertainment.

  10. 1 nope
    2. not sure, and I must be the only person on the planet to not have seen Old Yeller yet... but it sounds like a very sad movie, so it gets my vote
    3 bigger, private owned
    4 i gave up on hoping to find something worth reading, so I always take my kindle and either read or play games, I can be self amusing :)

  11. 1. I don't think so.
    2. I avoid depressing movies like the plague!
    3. I think large.
    4. Usually something with recipes!

  12. Several posts have been removed due to being "off topic"

  13. If anyone has any questions why some posts have been removed, please read the "Disclaimer" at the bottom of the JTI blog site.

  14. Dang, and I missed them!

    LizardMom, I think Old Yeller was one of the first movies I saw. Where? In a movie house in Gillett, WI.
