Friday, August 8, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

You do seem to have lost some weight.


  1. The week must have killed the Irregulars... where is everyone? Claiming the #1 spot.

    I have a summer cold. I smooched a baby who attends daycare. What was I thinking? :)

  2. KK - you were thinking only of kissing a baby. Sweet!

    It's FRIDAY! I'm so ready for this week to be over.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  3. One of the most difficult situations of my life resolved. I don't want to go through the last month of stress for all the tea in China...I don't even like tea! Lol.

  4. Isn't it amazing that we bombed Iraq last night and today the gas station across the St. raised their prices by 12 cents. On one corner $2.98, the next $3.12.
    Such crap.

    Glad things are getting better Beejay.

  5. A woman was arrested last night after hitting not one, but two patrol cars that were working an accident. The two police officers had to jump in the ditch to avoid being hit. She was taken to the hospital for minor injuries and then arrested for a DUI. Somebody is in a whole lotta trouble.
